Irresistible Light

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A week has passed since Rhea had kissed Taehyung. When they would see each other in class, both of their faces would blush, and they would look away from one another. Taehyung had been in a phenomenal mood ever since; he was flying high. Jimin would comment on it once daily. "Doesn't your face hurt from all this new smiling you're doing?" He would ask Taehyung jokingly.

As hard as she would fight it, Rhea's eyes were always drawn to Taehyung while she taught. And just as she was drawn to him, he was drawn to her. Like a moth to a flame. Taehyung had been living in an endless night, pitch black. And Rhea was like a struck match, she lit up his world and he found himself drawn to her irresistible light.

Taehyung would find himself daydreaming often. He remembers how soft and sweet Rhea's lips tasted against his and he began to yearn for more. So much that it became hard to concentrate during class.

"Taehyung." Rhea called to him, and he blinked, coming back into reality. "Yes?" He answered sweetly, with a smile on his face. "Can you show us your picture now?" Taehyung nodded and stood up. It was time to show off his third picture for the semester. Rhea casted his image to the wall and she smiled at it. It was the black and white picture of the bench from the park. But this one was before she sat on it. The focus was on the chunks missing from the concrete bench.

"Amazing as always Mr. Kim. A decaying bench amidst complete beauty. It portrays how even broken things can add beauty to something. Even broken is beautiful. Remember class, a broken mirror can still reflect, never forget that. When you feel down and rock bottom, always remember there's hope, there's always a way back up." Taehyung grinned at her optimistic words.

Taehyung sits back down at his seat and another student goes up front. He pulls out his phone and texts something to Rhea. He hits send and a faint vibration can be heard. Rhea's eyes meet his as she suspects the text is from him. She smiles and then turns her attention back to the student.

"Is something going on with you and Ms. Stone?" Jimin whispers to Taehyung. But he tries to remain calm. He knew this question would surface eventually. "No, we just are friends. She got me my new job after all." Jimin eyes him suspiciously. He didn't believe that for a second. He wasn't blind, he saw how Taehyung was acting lately. He smiled more this week than he had in years combined.

"If you're lying to me, I'll find out. I always do." Jimin threatens and Taehyung just laughs it off. He wasn't worried about that.

After the class left, Rhea checks her phone quickly

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After the class left, Rhea checks her phone quickly. She was excited to see what Taehyung sent to her.

We need to go on another photography trip.

Yes, we do. How about tomorrow?

Rhea responded back and smiled as she waited for him to reply. She bites on her nail anxiously. She was so smitten with him that she could hardly wait. Maybe tomorrow wasn't soon enough.

How about now.

It was as if Taehyung had read her mind. Rhea giggled to herself.

Okay, meet me by my car.

Throwing her things into her bag, Rhea hurries out of her classroom and goes towards the parking lot. She stops abruptly by the girl's bathroom and darts into to check herself out in the mirror first. She fixes a few imperfections before leaving and walking towards the parking lot again.

It's almost as if she couldn't walk fast enough. Her legs weren't as fast as her heart. Her heart was racing. She wanted to run but decided against that. Exiting the university, she's almost to the parking lot. Rhea can spot Taehyung's bright blue hair from far back and her heart beats harder.

She digs her keys out and unlock the SUV, they both climb inside. "Hi." Rhea says sweetly to Tae as soon as they are both inside. He smiles and greets her back.

"Where should we go this time? Any suggestions?" Rhea questions him and Taehyung thinks about it for a moment. "There's a mountain near here with a beautiful view." Rhea smiles. "That sounds perfect. But it's not a steep climb, is it? I'm in my work shoes." Taehyung laughs lightly, it's a deep, breathy laugh. "No, there's a concrete path leading up." Rhea seems relieved. "Great! Let's go then." She beams brightly.

" She beams brightly

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