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"The commercial is about to air!" Rhea yells and pulls Namjoon to the couch, he huffs as his heavy body hits the cushion. "Okay, okay, I'm here." She grabs Namjoon's hand and holds it tightly with hers. The commercial comes on and Rhea screams.

The first scene is Taehyung in a suit walking in slow motion towards the camera

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The first scene is Taehyung in a suit walking in slow motion towards the camera. Then a voice over mentions their studio name and address.

"Feel more beautiful than you thought possible."

The closeups flash that Rhea took of Taehyung, Namjoon and Jimin. Rhea gasps as she sees how good everything looks on the tv. Namjoon is smiling widely. He was so proud of his selected sister.

"You guys look incredible!!" Rhea shouts and dances in her seat, happy that the commercial looked so amazing. "If people don't see what we're capable of with just these photos, then the handsome men will grab their attention at least." Namjoon laughs at her words. "True, the most handsome one is the one with the dimples though." Rhea giggles and shoves shoulder. "You know I can't agree with that."

Taehyung holds a cloth bag tightly in his hands as he enters a pawn shop

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Taehyung holds a cloth bag tightly in his hands as he enters a pawn shop. He walks up to the front desk and greets the salesman. "Good afternoon, sir, I'd like to see what you can offer me for these." Taehyung delicately pulls a few of his older cameras from the bag and unwraps them gently from their cloth protectant. He also pulls out some of his more expensive lenses.

"Oh, these are great!" The salesman says, picking up one of the cameras and looking over it. He basically had dollar signs in his eyes. The man continues to inspect the camera and equipment.

Taehyung picks up his very first camera and his eyes water slightly. This camera was his first real friend. The one that that never judged him and always accepted him. No matter how short or long the time apart was, the camera was always there waiting for him.

Gently grazing his fingers across the buttons and wiping the screen with his thumb, he felt odd about selling his most prized possession. This camera was more than just a piece of equipment, it was his life. This was the camera that a bully tried to break when Jimin interfered and saved Taehyung.

This was the camera that Taehyung took photos of his father when he was still alive. This camera saw Taehyung through all the happiness and depression. Without hesitation, the camera loved him, and he loved it.

"I can offer you three grand for all of this." The salesman bargains and Taehyung stares at him. A price tag on his memories. It didn't seem right, but Taehyung needed this money. They had all new, updated equipment at the studio so he didn't need these any longer.

"" Taehyung says and shakes the man's hand. The owner opens his register and then his safe and digs out enough money and then hands it to Taehyung. "Thank you, kindly sir." Taehyung smiles at him and walks out of the store.

His heart aches, he feels as if he just lost something dear to him. But he needed this money for something far more important. He takes a deep breath. "Have I lost myself or have I gained you?"* He asks himself and walks across the street into another store. His heart races as he does.

*Line from V's Singularity

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*Line from V's Singularity.

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