First Assignment

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 "I love my 10am class Namjoon. They all seem to have affinity for photography." Rhea was gushing about my favorite class to her roommate. He listened intently, as he always did. Namjoon loved Rhea with all of his heart. A word she spoke never went unheard.

"No one has been inappropriate towards you, have they?" Namjoon asked worried. He wasn't blind, he knew how beautiful Rhea was. She was model worthy, but what set her apart, what made her more beautiful was her heart. She had the biggest heart he had ever seen.

"Joonie!" Rhea shoves Namjoon's shoulder. "Everyone has been really nice to me." Namjoon steps closer to her. "Are they nice or are they nice?" Rhea looked puzzled, not truly understanding what he meant.

"Joon, what the heck are you even talking about?" He laughs slightly and shakes his head. Namjoon loved her innocence. He prayed she would never change, and so far, she hadn't. He has known her since they were seven years old. She was still the exact same, just taller, and more beautiful.

"If anyone ever treats you badly, you let me know." Namjoon informed her, slamming his fist into his palm. "I'll beat their ass." Rhea stared at him, raised an eyebrow, and then busted out laughing. Namjoon looked offended.

"You? Beat someone up? You're like a teddy bear Namjoon. Plus, you'd probably hurt yourself before you could ever hurt someone else. You'd trip over your own feet and knock yourself out." Rhea teased him, laughing harder as she spoke. Tickled at the image she saw in her head. Namjoon crossed his arms as he watched her cackle.

Rhea leaned over, placing her hand on his folded arms and kisses Namjoon's cheek. "You know I tease you because I love you." He huffs and then nods. "I gotta get to class. It's Monday and I can't wait to see the classes photographs!" Rhea practically bounced up and down. Her love for photography was very apparent.

"Okay, be careful. Remember." Namjoon points at her. "I'll beat their ass." Rhea giggles and grabs her things to leave for work.

"Morning class!" Rhea's voice rang throughout the room, she was entirely too perky for ten in the morning

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"Morning class!" Rhea's voice rang throughout the room, she was entirely too perky for ten in the morning. "I am more than excited to see your pictures! Guys, I can't wait! Let's begin immediately. Is there anyone who would like to go first?"

Rhea watched everyone sink into their seats, and she sighed to herself. Suddenly the student known as Jimin raised his hand. "I'll go first Ms. Stone." He flashed her his perfect smile and she seemed elated. Rhea scrolls through all her emails, trying to find Jimin's attached photo. She finds it and is about to cast it on the projector.

"Okay, Jimin's picture is first. Come up front and tell us about your photo." Jimin reluctantly stands up and some of the girls in the classroom cheer him on. Rhea blasts his image onto the large white wall. The same girls scream again.

Rhea looks at the image and holds back her smile

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Rhea looks at the image and holds back her smile. "Okay, tell us about your photo." Rhea tells Jimin and he shifts his weight. "I don't know what to say. It's just me." He shrugs and looks at Taehyung for help, but Taehyung remains quiet. Rhea looks at the image again.

"Well, you were obviously bored. That's perfectly portrayed here. That emotion is quite clear. It looks like you just literally sat down in front of the mall and took a picture of yourself. But what I do like about this photo is the sky. The sun must have been setting and it turned the sky into that beautiful pink, purple and blue swirl. Boredom and loneliness are what I feel from this photo. Am I correct?"

Jimin nods to Rhea's words. "That's all for now Jimin. I know you can do better than this. Dig deep next time, maybe actually take time for our next project and apply yourself." Rhea said to Jimin as he walked back to his seat. Taehyung cracked a smile. Rhea had read Jimin just like a book.

The rest of the class came up one by one, showing their pictures and explaining them. Rhea tried to find the good in each photo and compliment them in some fashion. As well as give them criticism. Rhea knew that for a photographer to grow, they needed positive reinforcement and lessons.

Rhea rambled on for quite a while about one of the last photos. It was just a photo of a single gravestone sitting inside a graveyard.

"Stacy, whether you meant it or not, this photo is actually quite good. See the grave here represents death. All things must come to end. But in the background, there's a woman pushing a baby in a stroller. The baby represents new life. In this photo you captured the essence of life. Good job."

Stacy smiles brightly and stood up straight. She felt proud of her accidental masterpiece.

"Alright, who hasn't gone?" Ms. Stone inquires as she eyes the room. Her hazel eyes fall on Taehyung. "Kim Taehyung, show us your photo." Taehyung blinked; he was surprised she even noticed him. Usually, he tried to blend into the background. He wanted to be invisible.

Rhea scrolls until she finds his image and casts it to the wall as Taehyung walks to the front of class. Rhea gasps as soon as she sees the image. Taehyung looks over at her confused.

A boy in the back of the classroom spoke up

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A boy in the back of the classroom spoke up. "Oh my god, is that a corpse?!" Then he started laughing. Taehyung looked down at the floor and Rhea pointed her finger at the boy who just talked. "You. Leave!" She spat out, anger evident on her usually gentle face. The boy blinks and then gets an attitude as he walks out of the classroom.

"I won't tolerate that. Keep this in mind next time any of you feel like saying something stupid." Rhea informed the class and they all nodded.

"Tell us about your photo Taehyung." Rhea said to him softly. Her tone had changed dramatically. He looks at her, and as if he's testing her, he says, "You tell me what you see." 

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