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"Good morning class!" Rhea smiled brightly as the students took their seats. "We have another set of photographs to study. You've all been learning for a month now, so I hope to see improvement. Especially from you Mr. Park." Rhea points her finger at Jimin, and he sinks in his chair.

"Anyone want to volunteer to start us off?" Rhea grinned as many hands shot up. Her students seemed to be warming up to her and leaving their shells. It made her feel so proud. Like she was doing something right.

Most of her students had improved, this made Rhea's ego swell. Coming into this job, she wasn't sure where to start with them. She just tried her best when she thought up the syllabus. Trying to teach her students the basics first and then reinforce the knowledge with why it's important. Teaching something to someone doesn't stick if they don't see the difference between using that knowledge and not using it.

"Let's hear from Jimin." Rhea said flatly, wanting to see what he was bringing to the table this time. Jimin acted oddly around Rhea ever since the day he got turned down by her. Jimin would act like a kicked dog, timid and afraid. Which was the complete opposite of his personality. Jimin was loud, upfront, and proud.

"Okay, but it's an edited image, is that okay?" Jimin asked quietly and Rhea thought about it. "Yes and no, let me see what you mean by edited first." She clicked around on her laptop and projected Jimin's image on the wall.


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"Oh...Jimin! This is amazing! This kind of editing is fine. I thought you meant to enhance the natural beauty of something which isn't what we're doing in this class just yet. But this is incredible." Jimin smiled broadly. Taehyung sat back against his chair, crossing his arms and grinned. He had helped Jimin as he promised. And it paid off.

"I absolutely love this! It speaks volumes about the human personality. The right side is a normal personality, it shows stoicism and thoughtfulness. The other side is forcing a smile, expressing that even when we feel down, we have to pretend to be okay. In today's society you're not allowed to be weak. You're not allowed to have mental disorders and I think that's what's wrong with society today."

Jimin smiled and listened to Rhea's words. He didn't fully understand how she was seeing all of that through a photo but was glad she liked it.

"It's obvious you got help on this photo. I'll let it slide. But next time, I want something just from you." Jimin gave Rhea an apologetic smile and went back to his seat.

"Taehyung, would you mind going next? I'm excited to see yours." Rhea's eyes settled on Taehyung, and he nodded silently. He stood up and walked to the front of the class. Rhea double clicked on the image he submitted, and it was transmitted to display on the wall.

 Rhea double clicked on the image he submitted, and it was transmitted to display on the wall

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"Okay, this is much different from the last photo. I am obsessed with this one Taehyung." Rhea looked over at him and smiled.

"Class, what do you see when you look at this photo?" Rhea asks loudly. Someone raises their hand and Rhea gestures to them.

"Loneliness?" Rhea shakes her head. "Nope, anyone else?"

Another student raises their hand and blurts out something. "Happiness?"

Rhea stands up and gets a better look at the photograph. "That's close. Hope, this picture shows hope. There's also a hint of desperation..."

Taehyung smiles faintly as he looks down at his feet.

"Our subject is staring at the sky, almost as if he's praying. The world around him has stopped and at this moment, there's hope. Hope that someone somewhere is listening. Hope. It's an extremely strong feeling and word. Hope can make or break someone. Very well done as usual Mr. Kim. Take note class, this is a real photographer. Taehyung has a gift."

Rhea smiles at Taehyung as he walks back to his seat. "Okay class, great job! You all improved. I'm very proud of each of you. Since we're already done you can leave early. Enjoy the rest of your day." Rhea told the class and everyone gathered their things and began leaving the room.

"How did she know that I got help?" Jimin whispered to Taehyung, and he just laughed. Poor Jimin was oblivious. Jimin only took this class to be with his best friend and get the few art credits he needed. It was obvious he wasn't as serious about this as the other students.

Just as Taehyung and Jimin were leaving the classroom, they passed the Dean who was heading in to talk to Ms. Stone.

Taehyung grabbed Jimin's arm and pulled him against the outside wall with him. "What?" Jimin whispered and Taehyung looked at him, wide eyed. "I've heard Dean Jung is a pervert, I'm going to make sure he behaves himself." Taehyung whispered and Jimin nods. 

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