Unfamiliar Feelings

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Taehyung and Rhea had separated, and Rhea went home. Taehyung was sitting waiting on Jimin to pull up to take him now. He looked over his photos. He stops at one of the photos that Rhea was in. She was sitting on the bench. He had taken that picture in color. It was the only one that wasn't in black and white.

The picture was beautiful, the greenery of the grass contrasted lovely with the dark waters of the pond and the blue sky above. Rhea's strands of hair were blowing in the wind. It had been several years since Taehyung had taken a picture in color. He stared at it longer than any other picture.

"Who is Namjoon to you?" He whispers under his breath. Taehyung was longing to know. From face value, it seemed they were dating. Rhea and Namjoon were completely comfortable around each other meaning they have had to know each other for quite some time.

Taehyung shook his head and hung it low. Why was this bothering him so much? Why was it so important to find out who Namjoon was? He would find out soon enough when he started working with him. But at this moment, it was killing him. He needed to know so badly. Maybe that's the true reason she turned Jimin down. Maybe she already had a boyfriend. That realization made Tae's heart sink.

A car pulls up and it's Jimin. He honks after waiting a moment, Taehyung was lost in his thoughts. His head shoots up and then he sees it's Jimin. Climbing into the car, his best friend looks at him curiously. "You were here for hours. Did you get some good pictures?" Taehyung nodded to the question. He didn't tell Jimin who he was meeting here. He didn't want any teasing.

"Can I see them when we get home?" Taehyung panicked at Jimin's request. "Yeah, after I decide what is worth keeping and what isn't." He recovered quickly. He knew that if Jimin saw the lady in the photos he would begin questioning him and Tae didn't want that at all.

"You seem more quiet than usual and that's saying something." Jimin jokes with Taehyung. He just shrugs and looks out the window at the passing buildings and cars. "Sorry, a lot on my mind." That was true. Taehyung couldn't stop thinking of Rhea, no matter how hard he tried. She had been so kind to him, she had been from the very beginning. She didn't find him disturbing or upsetting. It was so refreshing.

Once the two friends were back at the dorms, Taehyung opened his laptop and pretended to work on his photos. But in reality, he continued to obsess. He typed 'Rhea Stone' into a few social media websites. He finally found her on Facebook, her profile was private. But he could make out a few details about her. In the 'about' section, it read that she was single. He sighed. For some reason he was relieved.

"Done with the pics?" Jimin asked anxiously, walking towards Taehyung. He slammed his laptop shut and looked up at Jimin. "No, not yet." Jimin gave him a weird look and then just nodded. "Okay, well hurry up."

Taehyung opened up his laptop again once Jimin left the room. There was a ding notification that informed him he had a new email. Taehyung opened it and was staring at a picture of himself. It was the one with his reflection in the puddle. It was so well done. Rhea had written a small note to go with it.

"Blue and Gray :)"

Taehyung smiled at the words. He loved that she named it after him basically. Blue because of his hair and gray because it was black and white. He saved it under that name and shut his laptop.

The next day was Taehyung's first day visiting RKive

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The next day was Taehyung's first day visiting RKive. He would begin to take pictures for the company today. Taehyung was excited, he couldn't wait to get started. He would have to start earning money soon if he wanted to keep his utilities and food in his stomach.

"You ready to go?" Jimin asked Taehyung, he nodded. Jimin was driving him into the city to RKive. They leave the dorms and get into Jimin's car, he starts the engine. "You seem different." Jimin points out, smiling at his best friend. Taehyung looks at him. "I do?" Jimin shakes his head yes. "You've been smiling more since last night and today. I love it."

Arriving at the location, Jimin wished his friend good luck and pulled away. Taehyung took steps towards the recording studio. He felt uneasy but excited none the less. He just hoped he could achieve what they wanted from him.

He entered the building and Namjoon greeted him immediately. He was sitting at a desk with headphones on his head, one side covering his ear and one left free. Another man was sitting in the room. He was playing a beautiful melody on a piano. Taehyung didn't know him and that worried him. He didn't like meeting new people.

"Taehyung! Glad you're here!" Namjoon took his headphones off and walks over to Tae to shake his hand. He shows off his dimples as he smiles broadly. Taehyung bows to him. "Thanks again for this opportunity sir." Namjoon laughs and rests his hand on Tae's shoulder. "You don't have to keep calling me sir, I think we are around the same age."

A shorter, skinnier man approaches Taehyung, he had bleach blonde hair, his eyes were intimidating. "Is this our photographer?" The man asks Namjoon in a deep voice. "Yes, Yoongi this is Taehyung and Taehyung this is Min Yoongi, he is my partner."

When two introverts meet it can be a little awkward. Taehyung and Yoongi just stare looking at each other, not sure how to act. "Right, well make yourself at home." Yoongi finally says and leaves the small group.

"What do you want us to do Taehyung?" Namjoon asks him, standing straight, his posture was impeccable. "Just act natural and do as you please. I'll take photos when a moment strikes me right." Namjoon nods and goes back to his desk to continue his work. 


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