I Want More

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"Tae." Rhea whispers. Taehyung hadn't moved for a moment. He continued to glare at Seokjin until he left. Rhea steps in front of him and sees pure fury inside his usual soft eyes. "Tae." She repeats and places her hands on each side of his face. He looks down at her finally and his face softens. He blacked out there for moment.

Taehyung had never been a violent person, but just now it surfaced. He was ready to beat that guy an inch from his life. He didn't like how he was treating Rhea at all. It went right through him. "He's gone, it's okay now." She says softly and Taehyung smiles down at her.

"Man, I thought I was protective. That guy looked like he was about to piss himself." Namjoon jokes and tries to lighten the mood. He pats Taehyung on the back. "As long as she's with you, I don't think I have to worry anymore." Taehyung smiles at his words. Did that mean he accepted him as Rhea's boyfriend?

"I'd never let anyone lay a finger on her." Taehyung says quietly and Namjoon nods. "I can see that." Rhea grabs Tae's arm and pulls him along with her. "Come on, I'm getting my money and then we are going home."

After Rhea gives her bank details to the auctioneer, the three of them exit the gallery. "Do you mind if Taehyung stays with us, Joonie?" Rhea asks him nicely and he nods. Rhea sat in the backseat with Taehyung as they drove home. Namjoon kept complaining that he felt like he was a chauffeur. "You're too handsome to be a chauffeur though." Rhea said and he stopped complaining after that. She knew how to keep him happy.

"Thanks for coming tonight, Taehyung, it really made my night to see you." Rhea told him sweetly, he kisses her temple. "I'll always support you." Wrapping her hands in his, Rhea believed him completely. He had been nothing but incredibly sweet to her.

They arrive at Rhea and Namjoon's apartment. Taehyung's eyes scan the entirety of each room. He's taking in where Rhea spends most of her time. The apartment is cutely decorated, about what you would expect if a man and woman shared a place. There are figurines that Taehyung assumed belonged to Namjoon and frilly things that probably were Rhea's.

"I like your apartment." Taehyung says quietly and Rhea smiles. "Thanks, it's a work in progress." Namjoon walks straight to his room. "I've got to finish mixing a song for our current customer. You all behave yourselves or I'll come in here and beat your asses." Rhea and Taehyung laugh at Namjoon's hollow threats. They both knew he wouldn't do that. Namjoon isn't nearly as scary as he seems.

Rhea and Tae decide to sit on the couch and watch some tv to wind down and get sleepy enough for bed. Taehyung's adrenaline was still flowing after he protected his lady. As they sift through random channels, Rhea speaks up.

"Once I receive the money, I'll give you half. I gotta pay my model." Rhea grins at Tae but he just looks down at his lap and awkwardly plays with his fingers. "You really don't have to; it was your idea. I'd rather you keep the money." Rhea turns towards him fully and boops the tip of his nose. "Well, too bad, because I want to." Taehyung laughs his deep laugh.

"Whatever you want." He says softy and finally meets her eyes, Rhea's gaze burns through his. "What if what I want is you?" Rhea blurts out and becomes shy for a moment after she speaks her mind. Taehyung averts his eyes again. That statement made him very nervous. What did she mean?

"You have me." Taehyung whispers, not wanting to lock eyes with her because it will fluster him further. Rhea places her hand along his jaw and turns his head towards her. "What if I want more?" Taehyung chews on his bottom lip anxiously, his heart began racing inside his chest.

"I-" Taehyung begins to speak but Rhea presses her soft lips to his. Their mouths move against each other and unconsciously Taehyung leans back as Rhea presses her body to his. His mind is blank, he can't think of anything else other than how her lips feel against his.

They stop kissing when hearing a thump inside Namjoon's room. Being as clumsy as he is, he probably just dropped and broke something. Rhea leans in again and whispers in Taehyung's ear, "Let's go to my bedroom." Tae stares at her and just nods. He's panicking, his mind tells him to stop but the twitching inside his slacks tells him otherwise. 


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