The Special date part 2

Start from the beginning

"Yes, my love?" I looked down at her.

"What are we?" She asked, gazing up at me with almond-colored eyes sparkling in the sunlight."

We are exclusively dating. You're mine, and I am yours, right?" I said softly, kissing her forehead.

"Okay, so we are on the same page," Jenn said, smiling with relief.

"Why? Are you worried I'll leave you for someone else? Baby, you already know my past, and I want you to know that you're the greatest thing that's ever happened to me. When people ask me about you, I always say, 'Are you sure you want to know? Because I can talk about her all day and every day. She's just this perfect human being with the kindest heart and a soul so pure.' I would never say that about any of my exes because you are the most genuine woman I have ever met, and no one is like you," I expressed passionately.

Jenn became emotional, breaking down in tears. "Baby?" I said softly, stopping in our tracks close to the car. "What's wrong?" I asked, looking at her with concern and a worried expression.

"It's just... My most recent ex... He never said those kinds of words to me without meaning it. He used me for my body, and that just took me back to that moment. I'm sorry for crying; it's a part of my healing process, and I know you are being honest and genuine, but I am a bit traumatized by my last relationship," Jenn explained while crying.

"Princess, I'm sorry to hear about that. But I am not him. I will help you heal. I will do everything it takes to make you feel better, okay? If you don't feel comfortable doing something, then let me know. I want to learn how to help. I want to make you feel better and help heal your trauma," I said, kissing away her tears.

"Okay," she whispered, hugging me tight. We walked to the car, and I opened the door for her. Placing the blanket and the box of strawberries in the backseat, I made my way to the driver's side.

"I'm sorry for being emotional all day. You just make me so happy," Jenn confessed, becoming a bit more vulnerable and opening up to me.

"Jennifer Lynn, you never have to apologize for being vulnerable, for expressing your emotions, or for crying. You have every right to be in tune with your emotions. I will never get upset with you for being emotional," I assured her, leaning in to kiss her cheek.

She nodded as I handed her a tissue. Wiping away her tears, she relaxed, and I started the car, driving to her place. Within two minutes, I glanced over, and she was deep asleep. I smiled, focusing back on the road.

Today had been an emotional day for her, and I appreciated how she was opening up. But if I ever saw her ex, I vowed to kick his ass for hurting my princess. Who could be so heartless and hurt this beautiful soul? Jennifer deserved a better man, and I was determined to be that better man, to heal her no matter how draining it might be.

An hour later, we arrived home. I took off my seatbelt, leaned in, and softly kissed Jennifer's cheek. Whispers in her ear followed. "We're home, princess. Do you want cuddles instead of the original plan?" Jenn nodded softly in her sleep, slowly waking up. She searched through her purse for her keys, handed them to me, and I put the blanket and the box in the back. Returning to the car, she was again fast asleep. I opened her door, carefully picked her up, and carried her to her bedroom. I perused her closet for some pajamas, changed her into them, and whispered in her ear.

"Alex... No... Please... Don't..." Jennifer mumbled in her sleep, crying. She whimpered softly, waking up crying, crossing her legs and arms protectively."No! Please!" Jennifer's voice trembled as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Jenn...?" I gently shook her, and as she opened her eyes, a wave of recognition swept over her. She broke down further, seeking solace in the refuge of my embrace. I enveloped her in my arms, offering comfort and understanding.

"I'm s-s-sorry..." She stuttered between sobs.

"Shhh... it's okay. Let it all out. Whenever you're ready to talk, we can talk," I whispered soothingly, allowing her the space to release the pent-up emotions. For ten minutes, she let her tears flow, gradually finding a sense of calm.

As the storm within her subsided, she sighed, nursing a headache induced by the emotional turmoil.

"I... I'm sorry. At the beach, I started to get overwhelmed because this whole day was perfect, and I never experienced that with my ex... Everything you did was all I ever wanted—someone who cared for me. When I began thinking about it, I started to panic and got flashbacks of my relationship with... him..." Jennifer confessed, her gaze dropping.

"Alright... Well, it's okay. Things are changing for the better, and I wish I could take away all the pain he caused you. I'm sorry, princess. We will get through this together. Since you're being open and honest with me, I must confess that I, too, am afraid of a relationship. I know what it's like to be manipulated by lies and to deal with a toxic ex..." I admitted softly.

Jennifer nodded, and we nestled together in bed, sharing the weight of our past experiences. Our stories unfolded, tears were shed, and in those vulnerable moments, a therapeutic connection emerged. These were the moments I had never shared with anyone before. With Jennifer, I felt safe, and I could see that she felt the same.

To be continued...

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