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~~~Main Characters~~~

Stone Rhea, (Pronounced Ray-ah) Ms. Stone

A shy girl fresh out of college

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A shy girl fresh out of college. She lucked into a job teaching photography at the University she attended. Rhea isn't much older than some of her students. She has a unique eye for photography and tries to pass along her knowledge to her students. Rhea is an empathic, she feels things stronger than normal people. She lives with her childhood best friend Namjoon. 

Greatest weakness: Overthinking.


Kim Namjoon

Rhea's childhood best friend and roommate

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Rhea's childhood best friend and roommate. Namjoon is extremely protective of Rhea. He sees her as a blood relative. He usually scares off any of Rhea's boyfriends. He is a producer for a small up and coming company called 'RKive.' He can seem intimidating and scary, but deep down he's a softie. He seems dangerous until he smiles.

Greatest weakness: Clumsiness.


Kim Taehyung

Tortured photographer

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Tortured photographer. Taehyung always keeps his signature blue hair. His eyes always appear to hold sadness in them. He distances himself from every new person he meets. He was bullied often when he was younger. Despite his good looks people steer clear of him. He is extremely mysterious and quiet until you get to know him. He's only seen hanging around his best friend Jimin. 

Greatest weakness: Himself


Park Jimin

Taehyung's best friend

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Taehyung's best friend. Jimin owns the hearts of the entire school. He is very flirty by nature but sweet and harmless deep down. He's constantly questioned why he hangs out with Taehyung. Jimin is a dance major, he's famous for his sexy charisma when he performs.

Greatest weakness: Girls and chairs.


Small appearances by Jung Hoseok, Min Yoongi, Kim Seokjin

Song inspiration for writing this book: The Truth Untold, Blue Side and Blue and Gray.

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