chapter 62

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it was Friday we just really was at school all week just participating really like for attendance than we was good I hung out with ciena the whole time she's so nice for real.

I was out with her right now jay let me drive his car for today so me and ciena decide to go shopping and stuff at the mall we went to get cute panties, shirts, etc. It was nice I even got a dress and a skirt it was slutty but still nice she said it's easier access to whatever when you want something or want stuff to go your way I felt my phone vibrating while I was getting a strawberry lemonade and told her hold on I gotta take this she nodded I answer seeing my momma calling "hello?" "nia where you at " "the mall with a friend " "mhm who " "ciena you don't know her see ciena can you say hey for my momma" she nod "heyy" "oh ok well I'm bout to go somewhere yall gotta key and stuff" "yes ma'am " we say our goodbyes and  hang up.

"she know?" "huh" she look at me whispering "about you and jay" I shake my head "no":/ is she crazy ? we sit at a table "why not" "well she doesn't want me dating firstly but he doesn't have to meet her he's already met the people most important to me so I'm not worried" "oh " "yea but I still care about him alot and stuff he's been to a family dinner so he knows what my people look like and stuff " she nods "you think you'll tell her about him in the future" "I don't know  maybe one day " " yea..ready to go ?" "yea" we left soon after that and went back to the house after we got the guys sumn to eat.

I got back to the house and unlocked the door seeing it smoked up and shake my head I sit the bags on the counters in the kitchen and say "jayyy we back " "room mama" I get his food going to his room seeing the door closed and I look in he not in there I smack checking his other room and see the tv playing and walk in looking around seeing blue led lights and it smoked up "hm?" I see him and walk over with ciena behind me going to sean. He hold my waist gripping my ass a lil I shake my head "you had fun?" "hmhm" "good " I nod mumbling I gotchu something well a couple of things" he look off breathing a lil more harder I rub his shoulder "i know youn want anything forreal but like still I wanted to get you sumn well stuff if youn like it we'll take it back but come on so you can see it act happy about it" he cheese hard I smile "so cute baby " I grab his hand pulling him behind me .

we go back to the kitchen and I pull out a bag handing it to him he weigh it wit his hand "shit kinda heavy what is it" I clasp my hands together "look you know you want to" "nah not really I'm tryna see what you got he say going over to my bags peeking inside all of em I pop his hands and I roll my eyes slightly "after your stuff first so come on neowww"  he chuckle "you ain running shit ma buh ok " "yea ok we see who listening to what I said" he shake his head putting it down where I had it he look at me tryna maintain eye contact I turn my face and say "stop just let's you know the presents..I got you presents" "uh huh" he grab my chin pulling it back to him he back me up into the corner kissing me gently getting into it I moan softly he grip my ass mooshing it together "mh huh" "yea?" he lift me on to the counter coming between my legs I hold his shoulders while he kiss all over my neck going down my chest my dress was raised to my thighs as he pushed into me I held his head with one hand "jayyy uh you don't wanna see" "no just shh ma " I smack my lips.

"jay youn appreciate me" he chuckle backing up "yes I do what you mean" "what I said I bought you stuff and youn even wanna look at it" "that don't mean Ion appreciate yo ass I love what you do for me and shit" "well...look at the presents I just want you to like em and stuff but be honest if you don't I wanna show you I appreciate you too " "you already show that the shit you buy doesn't matter that's materialistic shit ma it's more to shit than that you cook, clean, and help me focus I love that shit ma I don't need more shit I just need you igh?" "'s just like you buy me stuff all the time and as soon as I did you blew hard and tried to seduce me you know that right" he nod still in my face holding his hands around me and mumble "it ain work but still true  imma try to get it together than and be more appreciative when you buy me shit I mean stuff" I nod getting down happily and pull my dress down covering my panties he chuckle I reach in grabbing stuff out the bag I pull out some crocs, a silver chain, his favorite candy, and him some chapstick.

He pick it up and look at me and say "my lips get wetter when you on em pussy and all" I laugh at him saying "this was a last resort stop your lips feel fine" he put it down smirking looking at me "forreal come here imma visual learner" he kiss me holding my chin "hm?" "yea it feels moisturized jay now stop looking at me weirdo" "hmhm" he chuckle and nod grabbing the crocs that I had got him in yellow "i like these " "good cause I got us matching ones" he nod

 𝑰 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒉𝒊𝒎 (𝒑𝒍𝒖𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒛𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora