Don't look back- Chapter 12

Start from the beginning

“What things did she say Justin?” I grab his arm to stop him from walking.

“She told me not to tell.” I look at him and pout.

“Please tell me what she said.”

“Okay fine but don’t tell her I told you and don’t get mad at her.”

“Deal.” I hold out my pinky to him and he looks confused. “It’s a pinky swear.”

He smiles and pinky swears with me and I feel little prickled of heat from our brief touch.

“She seems to think that we um like each other.”

“Well, yeah I mean were friends right?” I look at him.

“That’s what I said, but here are her words; ‘I know you guys like each other you should pay close attention, have you noticed how she blushes around you? I mean you’re not that stupid are you?’”

I turn away trying my best not to blush and my checks turn red. I was going to hurt Jessica once she felt better.

“Let’s get back to the party.” I tried to change the topic but it didn’t work out.

“You know if I didn’t know better I would say she’s right.” I look up at him.

“So that would mean that you like me, right?”

I walk closer to him waiting for an answer.

“Uh, let’s go dance.” I turn my head and frown disappointed but quickly turn back to him and smile.


He takes my hand in his and we walk back to the guest house.

Once we get in the doorway he drops my hand and pushes me over to the dance floor, I look around for Chase since I haven’t seen him for about an hour.

The first five or six songs are fast and I have fun bumping and grinding to music with Justin.

“Alright, were going to slow it down here.” Said the DJ.

I turn to look for chase but I couldn’t find him anywhere I turned to leave the dance floor but Justin grabbed my arm and pulled me back toward him.

“You can dance with me if you want.”

“Of course I do.” He smiles and pulls me close to him.

I put my arms around his neck as he puts his around his waist as the music starts.

He pulls me closer to him and stares into my eyes, I look away to lay my head on his shoulder.

He sways us the music and then I feel his head bend near mine and I hear him whisper the song in my ear.

“I don’t quite know

How to say

How I feel”

He pauses and waits for the song to continue. I wrap my arms tighter around his neck as he begins singing in my ear again.

Those three words

Are said too much

They’re not enough”

I’m surprised at how he can actually sing and as he’s still singing in my ear to me I lift my head and move one of my hands from around his neck and I look around quickly to see if anyone paying attention.

They weren’t so I move my mouth to his jaw line and give him a quick kiss. I blush and lay my head back down on his shoulder smiling as I close my eyes.

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