Theo felt like he would drown and suffocate from the flood of sensory information. However, he managed to concentrate calmly.

‘I have been training my mental power steadily.’

Theo had become repeatedly ill in order to deal with the tremendous national treasure, Umbra. Thanks to that, his firm mind searched the vegetation of this area for what he wanted. He saw the ground which was being trampled on, the branches which were passed, and then the ogre with two heads running in the lead…

As soon as Theo found them, he opened his mouth to speak, “10.”

The creature was fairly fast. Rocks were kicked, and trees and bushes torn to pieces.

The twin-headed ogre… Their intelligence and physical abilities were usually double that of a normal ogre. As they grew older and gained more experience, they would grow more arms and eventually evolve into a monster which could fight a cyclops, a well-known senior monster. Furthermore, if the distinctive magic resistance of senior monsters were added, the twin-headed ogre would be a challenging opponent.

“5, 4.”

Now, their appearances began to be revealed. A massive creature popped out of the bushes with others following behind it like dogs.

“3, 2.”

The twin-headed ogre and ordinary ogres were at the front, followed by trolls carrying heavy clubs.




As Theo was ready before anyone else, a blue flash fired from Theo’s fingertip. It was the unprecedented Magic Missile which could break aura and penetrate 6th Circle defense magic. Magic Bullet’s light stretched out and pierced the head of the twin-headed ogre, as well as the ogres running behind it.

A huge nine ogres were thrown to the ground at the same time.


The road was blocked by the corpses of the ogres, so the creatures wondered for a moment about what to do. Prey which stopped in place were easy targets for magicians. The magic power of seven senior magicians gathered in one place as attack magic filled the air.

It was literally a great destruction!


Strong lightning bolts struck, and a storm of flames rose up. A thin stream of water cut through any object in its orbit, and steel rocks fell down. There was no room to show the creatures’ regeneration power. This was a destructive power which didn’t leave any traces of the bodies behind.

“…Amazing. I’ll lend a hand.” Edwin was impressed by the scene and raised his bow to join the attack. On Edwin’s shoulders, a serpent-like elemental made of clouds wrapped around him, but only Theo knew of its existence.

“Aiolos, enter my arrow.”

[Gururung…] The wind elemental, Aiolos, entered the arrow with an expression of annoyance. Its body resembled clouds but infused the arrow with tremendous power.

Edwin placed the arrow on the string and aimed at the creatures.

Piing! The sound was like that of an ordinary arrow, but the phenomenon which happened right after wasn’t common.

The wind arrow, infused with the high ranked Aiolos, melted into the air. Then the wind became a whirlwind. The blades of wind cut away at anything it reached, and the power was comparable to 7th Circle wind magic.

Kukwakwakwa…! The blade storm swallowed up the creatures.

Then it became a blood wind! The blood storm rushed toward the Great Forest and turned hundreds of creatures hidden in the bushes into pieces of flesh. Blood was the only thing which could be seen in the places where the storm passed.

“It is a really terrifying power.”

“This elf’s elemental, it is an ancient elemental…!”

It was an attack which could truly be described as master level. Theodore was shocked as he stared at the spot where the storm passed. What if the opponents were humans instead of creatures? Over 1,000 people would die from that arrow. Even if he could only shoot 10 a day, it was an attack which could annihilate 10,000 people.

The two powers didn’t use Elvenheim as a counterweight.

‘If Elvenheim becomes Meltor’s ally… we can truly win against the Andras Empire. If one or two more like Edwin assists…’

The chain of blood which had lasted hundreds of years might be broken.

An exhilarated thrill went down Theodore’s spine as he realized again the meaning of this mission. Perhaps in his generation, Andras might disappear and Meltor would rise as the main power in the northern continent.

No, Theo might be able to achieve it with his own hands. Such expectations made him excited.

Edwin walked beside Theo and said, “It seems to be up to here for tonight, Benefactor.”

After focusing on Mitra, Theo realized that the creatures had started to leave. Edwin’s arrow had been shot out immediately after the magic attacks, causing the creatures to realize the power gap. While looking at the decimated boundary of the Great Forest, Theodore replied, “We haven’t entered the Great Forest yet, but at this scale… I don’t know how the elves live in there.”

“It is thanks to the parent tree. No creatures can go near the world tree, so the forest is a good place for us to live and there is plenty of food. Hunting and gathering alone can provide plenty of food.”

As a species closer to nature than civilization, the elves had no need for manors.

The natural border of the Red Plateau protected Elvenheim from invaders, and no slave trader was bold enough to enter the Great Forest to hunt elves. The world tree inside the Great Forest made this place a paradise of their own. Compared to such conditions, the threat of the creatures was nothing but a risk which could be solved.

The White Tower Master confirmed that the situation was clear and declared, “It was easier than I expected. I was prepared to fight all night, but the wild creatures are sensitive to the difference in power. It might’ve taken a little longer if Sir Edwin hadn’t helped out.”

“You don’t have to give me face, Magician. You would’ve handled it even if I hadn’t helped out.”

“Hrmm, I don’t particularly deny it.”

Edwin’s words seemed to be true as Orta’s mouth curved in a smile under his mask. Orta was confident that he could use even more powerful magic than the storm arrow that Edwin showed.

After the short battle, Orta followed Theo around the campsite and muttered, “There is a problem. We can’t sleep well in this situation.”

“…It seems so.”

The wind carried the scent of blood, and the cries of creatures could be heard from the decimated forest border.

There was still the lingering excitement from battle, so no one could calm down in a short period of time. The sudden assault interfered with their ability to get a good night’s sleep. It was the problem of having a veteran’s instincts.

In the end, the delegation, including Theodore, had to spend their first night on the Red Plateau awake.

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