Chapter 5: The Truth

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Harry was settling in at Hogwarts and the first few days of the year passed smoothly. He had settled into a routine and I knew I could no longer put off telling him who I was. I just hated the fact that he might hate me forever once he learned it should've been me who took him in, but instead he was forced to live with a family that never wanted him. He was leaving my class one afternoon when I asked him to stay. He looked confused and a bit nervous, though I assured him he wasn't in trouble.

"Mr. Potter, how are you settling in at Hogwarts?" I asked, though it killed me to call him 'Mr. Potter' so formally.

"It's been brilliant, professor. I enjoy it here."

"I'm glad... I'm afraid there is something I must tell you, though I am unsure how you will take the news."

He sat up, giving me a curious look as he waited for me to continue. I rubbed my hands on my pants, trying to get rid of the sweat that was forming on them.

"11 years ago... when you were born... I was made your Godmother."

"What!?" he asked, excitement in his eyes. "You knew my parents? You were friends with them? Wait... why don't I live with you?"

"I'm afraid the Ministry saw me as unfit to take care of you due to my association with someone who betrayed your parents. I never knew what he was planning... but they never trusted me after that night."

"Who was it?"

"I'm afraid that's a story for when you're much older... I don't want to burden you with the details, Harry, but I just thought you should know who I was... and... you have family here."

I watched as his eyes filled with tears and he jumped toward me, pulling me into a hug. His head rested on my chest as I held him close to me, protectively. I had missed so much time with him and I refused to miss anymore.

"How are you finding your classes?"

"They're great! I especially love your class!"

"That's kind of you to say, Harry," I chuckled. "Most students see my class as more of a requirement they have to get through and don't enjoy it so I am glad you are enjoying it. What about your other classes?"

"They're alright... although Professor Snape hates me."

"What do you mean?" I asked him, growing curious as to how Severus treats him.

"I was taking notes in his class one day and he accused me of not paying attention, saying 'clearly fame isn't everything,'" Harry quoted.

"I'm sorry about him, Harry. He isn't the nicest to other people." I carefully avoided the detail about our history with James and the rest of the Marauders, knowing Severus wouldn't want me sharing that detail with his enemy's son.

"But you seem to like him?"

"He and I have been friends for a long time. He's a good man once you get to know him. He just... doesn't do well with other people," I chuckled.

"You got that right."

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