Chapter 33: The Secret's Out

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"Please tell me this isn't what I think it is," Harry begged. Severus and I pulled away from each other, though he still held my hand in his.


"Y-you're dating Snape?" Harry asked, a disgusted look on his face. In that moment he looked and sounded so much like his father it was hard to remember that he wasn't.

"I wanted to tell you... but we both thought it would be better for us to keep it under wraps for a bit."

"How long?!" he hissed.

"Harry, please..."

"How long?!" he yelled.

"Since the end of last school year."

"What?! So, you thought you would just hide it from me this entire time!"

"Harry... I-."

"I'll leave you two to talk... It's probably best if I'm not here," Severus said, quietly. He placed a gentle kiss on the top of my head before taking off down the corridor, his cloak billowing behind him.

"Why him?" Harry asked.

"Harry... Severus is a good man... and he makes me happy. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but we agreed it was best to keep it between us for the time being."


I sighed before continuing.

"Harry... our relationship was still so new, and I think Severus was a bit worried what would happen when everyone found out."

"What do you mean?"

"Well... for one thing he knows how much you hate him... and I think he thought you might try to convince me to leave him."

Harry didn't know what to say. His entire plan had been to convince me to break up with Severus but now that he heard this he didn't know what to say. His eyes softened as he hugged me.

"Does he make you happy?"

I chuckled. "Yes, Harry. He makes me very happy."

"Well... who knows? Maybe dating you will soften up the old gi-." Harry stopped as I raised one eyebrow. "Uh... I mean... maybe dating you will soften him up."

"Maybe," I chuckled. "So... you're okay with this?"

"No, but... if he makes you happy... I guess that's all that matters."

I could tell Harry was struggling with that answer but it warmed my heart to know that he was supportive.

"Thank you, dear. Now, why don't you run along and go find Ron and Ginny. The feast will be starting soon." Harry smiled before heading toward the hospital wing. I began walking away, but as I turned a corner, I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist. I yelped before turning around. I was met with a pair of onyx eyes and a soft smile.

"Severus! You scared me! Were you listening that whole time?"


I playfully punched his chest as he moved one hand up to cup my cheek.

"Well... now that Potter knows, I expect it won't be long before everyone else knows."

"Yeah... but is that really such a bad thing?"

"No... I suppose not. I guess it means I can do this..." He wraps one arm around my waist, the other resting on the back of my head as he crashes his lips to mine. Our lips moved in sync as he pressed his body as close to mine as possible. He began whispering in between kisses. "I should've let you tell a long time ago. Now... I can touch you without worrying about keeping our secret... Now I can touch you whenever and wherever I want." He groaned into my mouth as one hand rested in the small of my back, gently arching it.

"I love you, Sev."

"I love you too, little one."


The feast was a great celebration. Many students showed up in their pajamas and the feast lasted most of the night. Hagrid arrived and was surrounded by a sea of students cheerfully greeting him. It was announced that Lockhart would not be returning next year. This news was also met with loud cheers, particularly from the professors.

The rest of the term passed smoothly for the most part. Dark Arts classes were canceled and Albus was looking for a new professor. Lucius had been sacked as a school governor and I had mixed emotions about this. I felt bad for him but I also knew he was dangerous as of late. He wasn't the man I remembered and even Severus noticed a change in Lucius's behavior.

We had finally reached the end of term and I watched as Harry and his friends boarded the train after giving me multiple hugs. Severus walked up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on top of my head as the train pulled away.

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