Chapter 43: Shock

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Y/n's POV

I didn't quite understand what was happening around me. I didn't know how much time had passed, nor did I even realize when Remus let go of my hand. Earlier I had realized when he was leaving and I was able to muster all of my strength to grab his hand, hoping he would stay, but now, it seemed as if I had slipped further into my own mind and I didn't know how to come back. Now, it seemed as if I didn't even remember who Remus was. Suddenly I felt another hand grasp mine, softer and thinner, as another much larger hand pressed against my forehead. I heard voices that sounded so familiar but I couldn't place who they were. I blinked, trying to clear my fuzzy vision, before my eyes settled on two very familiar figures sitting beside me. The woman's eyes brightened as mine locked with hers. Her lips moved, taking the formation of my name but no sound reached my ears. I saw tears beginning to slip down her cheeks as she continued mouthing my name but I didn't respond. She looked so familiar, and yet... I couldn't place who she was. The man sitting next to her placed a hand on her back, comforting her as my eyes locked on his. He smiled softly at me as his hand gently stroked my forehead.

"Y/n?" he asked, though his voice sounded far away. "Y/n... we're here, darling. We should've been here sooner... I'm so sorry," the man whispered. Memories flashed in my mind as I realized who the two figures sitting in front of me were. It felt as if I was slowly coming back. I tried to move my lips to form their names but no sound left them and I didn't even know if they were moving. Their eyes flicked to my lips as I struggled, trying to form their names.

"Cissa, did... did you see that, or... or am I just imagining things?" Lucius asked, turning to Narcissa. Tears slipped down her cheeks as she turned to Lucius.

"No... I saw it too." She turned to me, bringing my hand to her lips, as she clasped my hand between hers. "Y/n?"

I saw several other faces come into view and my lips twitched into a small smile as my eyes locked with Severus's.

"Y/n?" he whispered, crouching next to Lucius and Narcissa.

My eyes found Narcissa's once again, holding so much fear as she waited for me to respond.

"Cissy?" I croaked, my voice shaking.

"Y/n!?" Narcissa exclaimed, as she searched my eyes, tears streaming down her face. "Oh, my darling girl!"

"W-what happened?" I asked her.

"You went into shock, love... You..." She trailed off, looking at Severus, waiting for him to explain. Severus took my other hand in his as he began to speak.

"You received a letter from Black and... well you went into shock. You stopped responding... I-it was as if you weren't even there." Memories came flooding back to me as I remembered holding the letter from Sirius. I felt my breathing grow heavy as the fear rushed through me once again. Severus squeezed my hand, attempting to keep me grounded.

"Darling.... Look at me. You're safe... I'm here with you. I won't let him hurt you..."

"It's not just me I'm worried about, Severus."

Severus knew to whom I was referring but he also knew that Lucius was still loyal to the Dark Lord and any mention of the protection of Harry would call Severus's loyalty into question if Tom ever returned. He moved closer to me, placing a hand on my cheek, silently assuring me he would protect Harry too. He didn't even have to say it but I knew what he meant. I lifted my arm, trying to touch his face but my arm felt as if it was filled with lead. Severus noticed this and quickly took my hand helping me touch his cheek. He melted into my touch and I gently rubbed his cheek.

"I love you, Y/n," he whispered, carefully setting my hand down, not wanting to hurt me.

"I love you too, Sev."

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