Chapter 45: Are You Firing Me?

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I awoke the next morning to an empty bed, hearing voices conversing rather loudly. I climbed out of bed, quickly throwing on some clothes before opening the door and walking into my living room.

"Ah, Y/n! We were just talking about you," Albus said as I entered the room.

"Well, that's never good."

"All good things, love. All good things," Severus assured as he pulled me into a hug. Minerva and Remus had left yesterday to finish their packing before we would return to Hogwarts.

"So, what are we talking about?" I asked, growing a bit nervous.

"Well... Severus is worried about you overworking yourself this year," Albus began as I glared at Severus. "Professor Binns has been asking to return to teaching for years. He thoroughly enjoyed his days as a teacher and he's been asking, at the very least, if he could be your assistant, if not a full time teacher. Severus and I have decided to allow him to take over the History of Magic classes for the time being."

"Albus... Are you firing me?" I asked, growing worried as I realized I may not have a job.

"No! Goodness no!" he assured me as I breathed a sigh of relief. "I remember you being particularly skilled in Defense Against the Dark Arts and Potions in your days at school. To be honest, it was quite difficult deciding between you and Severus for the potions position."

"Okay... so what does this mean for my job?"

"I would like you to become an assistant for Severus and Remus. You'll work with Professor Lupin during the first half of the year. This will help him get settled into the new school year and then I would like you to switch to being the potions assistant."

"And you think this is going to lighten my workload?" I asked. "Being an assistant for two professors?"

"Yes. Not having the stress of a full time class will be good for you, I think... You'll only be working for one at a time. We also think it will be good for you to be supervised."

"So, like a babysitter?"

"No, love," Severus answered. "We just think it will be helpful to have someone monitoring your whereabouts... making sure you aren't in any danger."

"You realize you just exactly described a babysitter."

"No... we just... Look, love, I'm concerned... both for your safety from Black and for your health. I just think it'll be good to have someone looking out for you."

"Fine, whatever," I sighed, realizing there was no getting around this.

"I'm afraid I best be off now. You'll look after her, won't you, Severus?" Albus said, heading toward the door.


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