Chapter 32: He's Not the Same

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 After Harry explained the whole ordeal, Lockhart was sent to the infirmary along with Ginny and her parents. Ron left to deliver Hagrid's release papers as Harry turned toward Severus and I.

"So... what's up with you two?" he asked, as he looked down at our entwined hands.

"I don't think that's a conversation for right now, dear... but I suppose I owe you an explanation later."

Harry looked as if he was going to argue but, before he could say anything, the door swung open once again and Lucius stepped into the office, followed by Dobby cowering at his feet.

"Dobby... So this is your master? The family you serve is the Malfoys," Harry said. Lucius looked down at Dobby as if ready to kill.

"I'll deal with you later," he hissed.

Dobby whimpered, cowering as Lucius raised his cane before walking toward Albus.

"Out of my way, Potter," Lucius hissed, moving him aside with his cane. I stepped toward Harry, placing him behind me as Lucius stepped up to Albus's desk.

"So, it's true. You have returned."

"When the Governors learned that Arthur Weasley's daughter was taken into the chamber, they saw fit to summon me back."

"Ridiculous," Lucius hissed.

"Curiously, Lucius, several of them were under the impression that you would curse their families if they did not agree to suspend me in the first place."

I looked up at Lucius and his eyes flicked to mine before returning to Albus.

"How dare you!" Lucius hissed.

"Beg your pardon?"

"My sole concern has always been and will always be the welfare of this school... and of course... its students." Lucius turned to Harry, glaring daggers at him, before returning his gaze to Albus. "The culprit has been identified... I presume."

"Oh, yes."

"And...? Who was it?"

Albus's eyes flicked to Harry and I before returning to Lucius.


"Ah..." Lucius answered, seeming almost relieved.

"Only this time he chose to act through somebody else by means of this." Albus held up a small diary, a large hole in the middle, its pages covered in ink.

"I see."

"Fortunately... our young Mr. Potter here discovered it."

Dobby tugged on my cloak, craning his head toward Lucius as he stared at the diary. I knew what he meant but I found it hard to swallow this truth. Lucius was no longer the man I once knew. His gray eyes were cold and calculating as he watched Albus.

"One hopes that no more of Voldemort's old school things should find their way into innocent hands. The consequences for the one responsible... would be severe."

"Well... let us hope that Mr. Potter will always be around to save the day," Lucius hissed as he turned toward Harry.

"Don't worry, I will be," Harry answered, his eyes still locked on Lucius, refusing to back down. Lucius turned away, nodding toward Albus before ordering Dobby out the door. His foot swung out, kicking Dobby down the few steps of stairs before using his cane to strike Dobby's small head. My hand covered my mouth as I focused on controlling the sobs threatening to fall from my lips. I knew I couldn't say anything in regards to how he treats his own house elf, especially given his powerful reputation, but I hated this. I hated what he had become and that I couldn't even say anything about it.

Harry quickly turned toward Albus. "Sir... I wonder if I could have that?" he asked, nodding toward the diary. Albus nodded, holding up the diary, and Harry quickly took off one of his socks, placing it inside the book, before leaving the room.

"Is he..." I began, turning toward Severus.

"Yes, darling, I think he is," Severus answered. I chuckled as he wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Lucius is going to be pissed," I chuckled.

"Serves him right for treating his house elves like vermin," Severus answered. I placed a soft kiss on his cheek and he turned to me, giving me a curious look. "What was that for?"

"Nothing. I just love you."

"I love you too, darling," he responded, a small blush rising to his cheeks. The moment was sweet but I knew we couldn't avoid the subject any longer.

"So... are we not going to talk about the two giant elephants in the room?" I asked, looking between Albus and Severus.

"What do you mean, darling?"

"Well... for one thing... Harry most likely knows about us. I saw the way he was looking at us... and the other thing... the fact that Lucius just tried to bring back T-... Voldemort," I sighed, hating his new name. Severus sighed before turning to me, taking my hands in his.

"I'm sorry, Y/n... I know you want to believe the best in him, but... he is loyal to you-know-who... and he always will be."

"I don't believe that, Severus. He was a good man before all this."

"You thought you-know-who was a good man too... before you got to know him."

At that moment I heard a loud thud from downstairs and my eyes widened. I quickly ran downstairs, followed by Severus. I saw Lucius with his wand raised before Dobby blasted him back and he hit the ground with a thud. He stood up, anger flashing in his eyes, as he glared daggers at Harry.

"Your parents were meddlesome fools, too! Mark my words, Potter. One day, soon, you're going to meet the same sticky end," he hissed.

"Lucius!" I yelled. His eyes quickly locked on mine and his expression softened for a brief moment before returning to his cold exterior once again as he turned away, leaving Hogwarts and me behind.

Severus came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, and I turned around, burying my face in his chest. "You were right," I whispered. "He's not the same anymore."

"I'm sorry, darling... I'm so sorry."

Severus pressed gentle kisses to the top of my head before we heard someone clearing their throat behind us.

"Please tell me this isn't what I think it is."

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