Chapter 4: 10 Years Later

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10 Years Later

I sat at the teacher's table in the Great Hall, Severus sitting next to me, as we waited for the first years to arrive. So much time had passed, though nothing really changed. Severus and I had remained good friends throughout the years. I had reached out to the Malfoys a few months after the events at Godric's Hollow and they were overjoyed that I had returned. They were curious as to why I had never responded to their letters, though they understood once Severus explained what he had said to me. Lucius was a bit angry with Severus but he calmed down pretty quickly once I pulled him into a hug. All was forgiven and things seemed as if they might finally be okay. That didn't last long because, less than a year later, Bella was taken away and everything was in an uproar once again. I could still remember the day they took her away so clearly.

* Flashback*

I stood in Malfoy Manor with Bella, Cissy, Lucius, and Severus as the doors to the Manor burst open. Several aurors rushed into the room and seized Bella, though she quickly slipped away. Before she could apparate away, I heard one of the aurors I didn't recognize scream the cruciatus curse, aiming their wand directly at her. I screamed, trying to run toward her but I was held back by another auror. I thrashed as Bella writhed on the floor in pain.

"Fuck you!" I screamed as Milicent Bagnold entered the room. "None of you have the right to use that spell! Especially not after what you did!"

Her eyes widened, though she quickly fixed her expression and walked toward me.

"You are on thin ice. I suggest you keep your mouth closed." She turned away from me. "Take Mrs. Lestrange away! Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy, you will submit to questioning via veritaserum. If you are found guilty, you will join Mrs. Lestrange in Azkaban."

"Are you serious!" I hissed at her. "You just took her sister away and now you are trying to question her!? You bitch!"

In an instant Bagnold was directly in front of me. Her hand raised to my face but I quickly released my hand from the aurors grip and grabbed her wrist.

"Keep your filthy hands off me!" I leaned toward her, speaking just loud enough for her to hear. "If you don't leave this house immediately, I'll tell the Daily Prophet how you sent me back to my abuser's house after I tried telling you the truth. I bet the Daily Prophet would love that story, though I'm sure your reputation would plummet after that, right?"

She stepped back, fear in her eyes as she lowered her hand.

"Everyone out!" she yelled and the aurors quickly departed the room before she turned to me once again. "How dare you threaten me!"

"How dare you try to question someone who just had their sister taken away! I suggest you leave before the Daily Prophet gets a very interesting story about their Minister."

She turned away, quickly leaving the Manor as Narcissa and Lucius pulled me into a hug.

"Thank you, Y/n," Narcissa said as tears slipped down her cheeks. Severus stepped from behind a pillar, knowing he shouldn't be seen here while they took Bella away.

"Are you alright, love?" he asked me, wrapping his arms around my waist, resting his head on top of mine. I turn around, wrapping my arms around his neck as he buried his face in my hair.

I heard the shuffling of feet as Narcissa and Lucius moved closer to us.

"Thank you, Y/n," Narcissa whispered, tears in her eyes.

"I couldn't let them take you away," I replied, pulling away from Severus.

Narcissa and Lucius pulled me into a hug.


"Harry Potter!" I heard Minerva call. A small boy with green eyes and round glasses stepped up to the hat. I did a double take as he looked just like his father, though his eyes were entirely his mother's. The hat rested on his head for a few moments before shouting Gryffindor. I beamed with pride as he walked toward the Gryffindor table, being surrounded by congratulations from the Weasley boys. The small boy looked up toward the front of the hall, his eyes locking on Dumbledore, who raised his glass to Harry.

A bit later, Harry was eating with the Gryffindors when he looked up to the front once again. His eyes locked on Severus and I could see him glaring daggers at Harry. Neither of us had expected him to look so much like his father and it caught us both off guard. The small boy reached his hand up toward his scar, rubbing the place where it was etched into his skin. I looked over at Severus, though he was already staring at Quirrell, confusion crossing his features. He returned his gaze to me, watching me curiously as he placed a hand on mine under the table and we continued eating. Harry continued looking at Severus though Severus never looked at Harry again. Harry's eyes fell on me and he gave me a curious look before turning to one of his friends, asking them a question I couldn't hear. They looked up to the teacher's table once again, locking eyes with me before their eyes flicked to Severus.

"That's Professor Snape, head of Slytherin House."

"And the woman next to him?"

"Professor Y/l/n. She's the History of Magic Professor. She took over for Binns after he died, though his ghost still hangs around the classroom to assist and she allows him to. Kind woman, that one."

I heard the last part of their conversation and their words made me smile. Severus looked over at me, carefully watching my expression. He knew how hard it had been having Harry and Sirius taken from me at the same time and having Harry here now was strange in its own way, especially when he looked so much like his father.

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