Chapter 29: Nothing We Can Do

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I'm going to insert a slight TW here just to be safe. There is harassment in this chapter. While it does not go any farther than that, harassment of any kind is still extremely distressing and If you have experienced something like this, please know I am here to listen. I love you, babes!

A few weeks passed and Lockhart seemed more cheerful than ever as he went around boasting that Hagrid had been captured and how he knew more about his capture than anyone else. I was sitting in my office, grading some essays as I tried not to focus on my worries, when I heard a knock on my door. With a wave of my hand, the door opened and Lockhart stepped inside, his face twisted into his signature smile

"Why the sad face, Y/n? We should be celebrating!" He exclaimed.

I set down my quill, huffing in annoyance, before speaking.

"And why's that?"

"Well, the culprit's been caught!" he exclaimed, making his way toward my desk. "I thought... perhaps you and I could celebrate." He gave me a not-so-subtle wink and I focused on containing my vomit.

"You're delusional," I replied, standing up from my desk and heading toward the door. I felt Lockhart's hand wrap around my wrist as he pulled me against his chest.

"We're alone, sugar, there's no need to pretend anymore."

"What the hell are you talking about?!" I hissed, trying to pull away from his grip.

"Severus isn't good enough for you and I think we both know that."

"How dare you!"

"We both know you deserve someone better." He moved his lips toward my neck, hovering there before I pushed him away.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" I hissed. He moved closer to me, reaching for my wrists and I quickly brought up my fist, connecting it with his jaw. He stumbled backward but he didn't seem at all bothered by it. He chuckled, rubbing his jaw, before continuing to move closer to me, pressing my body against the wall. I tried to reach my fist up once again but he caught it in his hand. Suddenly I felt him being ripped away from me, though he still had his hand wrapped around my wrist, before a gruff voiced hissed through the room.

"I suggest you take your hands off of Y/n this instant... or you won't have hands in a moment."

Lockhart instantly let go of my my worst and tried to back away but Severus had a tight grip on his collar. Lockhart squirmed, fear in his eyes as Severus pressed his wand against Lockhart's neck and brought his face dangerously close to his ear.

"If you touch her again, I will kill you," he hissed before shoving Lockhart toward the door. He scurried away and Severus slammed the door with a wave of his hand. My adrenaline began wearing off and I felt warm tears slipping down my face as Severus moved toward me, catching my shaking frame as I collapsed in his arms, breathing heavily.

"I'm so sorry, love. I should've come sooner," he whispered into my hair, carefully stroking the back of my head.

"You couldn't have known what was going to happen, Sev... I'm just glad you came. I-if you hadn't shown up..." I trailed off as the thoughts overwhelmed me. What if Severus hadn't shown up?

"I will never let that happen, my love. I promise you." I felt his hands shaking as he held my body close to his, too afraid to let go. There was a brief pause before he spoke again. "I'll kill him," he hissed, more to himself than to me. I buried my face in his chest and he began placing gentle kisses along my hairline, lifting my face, before moving down my cheek and pressing his lips against mine. He held my face in his hands as our lips moved in sync, carefully assuring me he would never leave. When we pulled away he carefully lifted my body into his arms before bringing me over to a small couch in the corner of my office. He gently sat me down before conjuring a blanket, covering my shaking form, and taking a seat next to me, pulling my body against his.

We relaxed like this for a bit, simply enjoying each other's company, when I heard Minerva's voice ring through the corridor.

"All students are to return to their house dormitories at once. All teachers to the second floor corridor immediately."

Severus and I shot up instantly, heading for the door.

"What if there was another attack!?" I asked as we ran toward the second floor corridor.

"We'll worry about it if the time comes, love."

We found Minerva running toward the second floor corridor and we quickly followed, running alongside her. Poppy, Fillius, Argus, and Madam Pince followed soon after. We reached the corridor and Minerva began speaking.

"As you can see, the heir of Slytherin has left another message. Our worst fear has been realized. A student has been taken by the monster into the chamber itself."

I turned toward the corridor wall, noticing the words written in blood: Her skeleton will lie in the chamber forever. 

"The students must be sent home. I'm afraid this is the end of Hogwarts," Minerva said as she shook her head. At this moment, Lockhart strolled down the hallway.

"So sorry. Dozed off. What've I missed?"

"A girl has been snatched by the monster, Lockhart. Your moment has come at last," Severus sneered as he held one arm across my body, not allowing Lockhart anywhere near me. I couldn't help but smile to myself as I saw a red mark had already formed on his jaw. I knew he would have a bruise tomorrow and that thought amused me.

"My m-moment?" he stuttered fearfully.

"Weren't you saying just last night that you've known all along where the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets is?"

"Well, that's settled. We'll leave you to deal with the monster, Gilderoy. Your skills, after all, are legend," Minerva said, trying to control the smirk threatening to spread across her face.

Lockhart gulped before answering. "Very well. I'll just be in my office, getting uhm... getting ready." He strolled away toward his office without another word, leaving us all to wonder what the actual plan was.

"Who is it that the monster's taken, Minerva?" Poppy asked, softly.

"Ginny Weasley," Minerva answered. I latched onto Severus's arm as I felt my legs grow weak and the color drain from my face. Little Ginny's face flashed in my mind as Severus held my waist, keeping me from collapsing to the floor. Minerva and Poppy began walking away. Severus held onto me as we followed them through the corridor.

"Minerva, what's the real plan? I know you don't believe he actually knows where the chamber is, so what is the plan?"

"To alert the students to what has happened and to tell them the Hogwarts express will take them home first thing tomorrow."

"What!?" I grabbed her arm, stopping her from walking any further. "What about Ginny?"

Minerva looked down and I could see tears forming in her eyes as she began to answer me.

"We don't know where the chamber is... we don't even know if the girl is alive. Most likely... if the monster took her... she isn't alive. We must get the rest of the students out of here."

"Minerva! We can't just let her die!"

"I don't want this either, Y/n, but... there's nothing we can do." She lifted her hand, wiping away the tears that had begun to fall down her cheeks as she turned away from me, heading toward the Gryffindor common room.

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