Chapter 47: The Dementors

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The next few days went smoothly. I spent time with Harry, Hermione, Severus, and the Weasleys, though not at the same time. Severus and Harry hated each other so Severus mostly stayed in our room whilst I spent time downstairs. When I got too tired, Molly and Arthur would bring me upstairs where Severus and I would spend time together before falling asleep.

It was finally time to return to Hogwarts. Severus had our trunks packed and was waiting for me outside as I said goodbye to everyone, promising them I would see them very soon, particularly the students. They were a bit confused as to why I was no longer the History of Magic Professor but seemed to understand once I explained... well at least part of the truth, carefully leaving out my history with Sirius and only discussing Professor Binns. To be completely honest, I had never really enjoyed History of Magic. I simply taught it because I enjoyed teaching and working at Hogwarts. I had always been more interested in Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts, so I was excited I would get to assist in both classrooms this term and I was happy that Professor Binns would get to regain his old classroom. The man always seemed so sad and would hang around the classroom, begging to be of some assistance. Oftentimes, I would let him grade papers or teach a lesson here or there to brighten his day and he was more than happy to do so.

I left the Leaky Cauldron, heading outside where I was to meet Severus, though I was surprised when I saw Albus and Minerva standing there as well.

"What a lovely surprise!" I exclaimed as they pulled me into a hug.

"Thought we'd apparate to Hogwarts together," Minerva said, brightly, taking my hand in hers as Albus grabbed my trunk.

"I can carry that, you know?" I laughed.

"Nope," Albus replied. "I've got it."

We joined hands and I felt the familiar feeling of being squeezed through a small, rubber tube before we arrived at the front gates of Hogwarts. The air around the castle seemed much different than normal, less cheery, and much colder. It seemed as if the air had grown thicker, almost making it hard to breathe. Albus huffed in annoyance before turning to Severus and I.

"Those would be the dementors. The ministry has requested that I allow them to remain here until Sirius Black is caught." At this, several dementors swarmed over our heads, watching me cautiously. Suddenly, I felt a chill run through my veins and my legs grew weak as I clutched Severus for support.

"Y/n?" he asked, though his voice sounded far away.

Memories began flashing in my mind. All the times my uncle had tortured me came rushing into the forefront of my mind. My chest grew cold as a new image swam before me, one I didn't recognize.

I was an infant, laying in someone's arms, his dark eyes staring down at me, tears filling them as he handed me to someone else.

"Take care of her, Tori," the man said. A familiar face came into view as my aunt took me in her arms.

"Are you sure about this?" my aunt asked.

"Positive. It's not safe for her to live with me... I won't be able to give her any kind of life. When she's older... I hope you'll explain everything to her and I'll be able to find her again, but until then... she's safer with you."

I heard a baby crying before realizing the sound was coming from me as my aunt soothed my cries.

"It's alright, Y/n," she soothed. She quickly looked up as the man began walking away, no longer able to listen to my cries. My aunt tried to call out to him.

"Tom, wait!" she yelled, but it was too late. The man had disappeared, leaving me behind.


"Y/n! Y/n!" Severus yelled, gently shaking me. I gasped, taking deep inhales of breath as I took in my surroundings. A small, blue tabby cat patronus was floating around us, keeping the dementors at a distance.

"Severus," I whispered, my voice cracking.

"Oh, thank Merlin," Severus breathed, helping me to my feet as I clung to his robes. "Are you alright, love?"

"I'm fine... but I think the dementors just showed me a memory... a memory I didn't even know I had."

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