Chapter 30: Friendships Challenged

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 I headed toward Dumbledore's office as Severus went to alert the Slytherins. I pushed open the door and found Albus seated at his desk, talking with Percy Weasley. Percy's face was white as Albus nodded at him and he left the room.

"Tell me you have a plan, Albus? Minerva says there's nothing we can do... but there has to be something!" I exclaimed.

"I've sent Percy to notify Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. They should be here soon. As for the girl, I have reason to believe Harry and Ron have gone after her."

Now it was my turn to turn white. The color drained from my face and my hands shook as I focused on not screaming at Albus. I took several deep breaths, trying to control my temper, but I knew it wouldn't last.

"Albus, you have two seconds to explain what the hell you are talking about," I hissed.

"Harry and Ron have also gone missing along with Lockhart. It is my assumption they discovered where the Chamber of Secrets was and went to find the girl."

The way he spoke so calmly about sending my Godson into danger angered me and I couldn't stop myself from screaming anymore.

"Are you out of your mind!? They are children! You've allowed two 12 year olds to venture into the Chamber of Secrets to fight who knows what!"

"This is only an assumption, Y/n. For all I know, they could've just ran off."

"You bastard!" I screamed. "You've sent my Godson into a situation that could very well get him and his friends killed and you have absolutely no remorse!"

"Y/n, Harry is a smart boy. He is capable of handling this and we both know it."

"He shouldn't have to! He's a child!"

Albus stood up before speaking again. "The boy is going to face much worse than this. It's better he be prepared now."

I heard the door open but I didn't care. I moved to the other side of Albus's desk and smacked him across the face. I heard footsteps moving toward me as Albus stood there, shocked at my outburst. A pair of arms wrapped around my waist as I lunged at Albus once again. The arms held me tightly, not allowing me to move as they turned me around. I was met with a pair of onyx eyes staring down at me as I fought against his grip.

"Let me go!" I screamed, thrashing in his arms. I began pushing against him, punching his chest but he immediately grabbed my wrists, stopping me. He brought my hands to his face, placing soft kisses over the backs of them as he carefully watched me.

"He's going to let him die," I whispered, sobbing as Severus pulled my body against his. "I should've gone looking for him... I should've known he would try to find her. I-I should've..."

"Shh... no darling. There's nothing you could've done," Severus soothed, running his hand over the top of my head. "The boy is strong and, as much as I hate to admit it, he can be smart when he wants to be."

Something about this made me chuckle as this was probably the closest thing to a compliment Severus had ever given Harry.

"If you ever tell him I said that, I'll deny it and then I'll punish you."

"Shut up," I replied, though a small chuckle escaped my lips. Severus pressed a kiss to the top of my head as the office door opened.

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