Chapter 58: Punishments and Promises

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The next few days passed uneventfully. Remus had left, canceling Defense Against the Dark Arts classes for the rest of term, seeing as I had already switched to being the potions assistant after Harry's Quidditch match. Severus and I hadn't spoken apart from what was required in class. He had tried to pull me aside but I avoided him like the plague. According to the students, he was a harsher grader than ever and took more house points in a week than he had in an entire year. He would take them for the stupidest reasons, particularly from Gryffindor.

It was the final day of term and everyone was heading to the Great Hall for the feast when I felt a hand wrap around my wrist, pulling me into an empty classroom in the dungeons.

"What the hell?" I hissed, noticing it was Severus that had grabbed me.

"You can't keep ignoring me! We work together! The students notice the tension in the classroom when you can't even look at me!"

"You want me to look at you! Fine!" I hissed. "I'm looking at you! And you know what I see?!"

He looked up at me expectantly, tears filling his eyes. All the words I wanted to say rushed through my head. I see a bastard who couldn't be bothered to look for the truth! I see an asshole who nearly got an innocent man killed because he couldn't let go of a childhood feud! All these thoughts were running through my head and I wanted to scream at him. I wanted to leave him here and never look back... but as I looked into his dark eyes, carefully searching mine, I couldn't say anything.

"What do you see, Y/n?" he asked, gently touching my cheek.

I see a liar! I wanted to scream but no words left my lips. He pushed the hair from my face and any thoughts I had of screaming at him disappeared.

"I know why you can't say the things running around inside your head right now, love... it's because you don't mean them. Can I tell you what I see when I look at you?" he asked, stepping closer to me, his chest brushing against mine. "I see a kind, young woman. Someone who was willing to give up her own friends for me when we were kids. Someone who put herself in danger every summer so that her friends wouldn't get hurt. I see the woman I love but don't deserve. The woman I can't live without and the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. I know I messed up... but I'm asking... no, I'm begging you to forgive me."

"Severus... you would have let him die... you glued my feet to the ground... you made it so that I couldn't move. Do you know how defenseless I felt in that moment?"

I saw a look of guilt cross his features as the realization hit him.

"Darling..." he whispered, tears slipping down his cheeks. "I'm so sorry... I didn't even think... I-I just wanted you to be safe but I should have realized what that might bring back for you. I-I'm sorry, baby."

It made me weak when he called me these adorable pet names and I felt my resolve giving way but I refused to give in... I couldn't give in.

"Severus, we have to go. We'll be late for the feast and I don't feel like walking into the Great Hall late." I pushed against his chest but he grabbed my hand, holding it there as he pressed himself closer to me.

"Please, darling... don't leave me." Tears slipped down his cheeks and I instinctively pulled my hand away from his, bringing it to his face, and wiping away the tears. He smiled softly at me, moving his hand to cover mine on his face. I quickly retracted my hand, pulling away from him, taking several deep breaths as the close proximity with him had left me breathless.

"Baby... please."

"Severus... I have to go." I turned toward the door but I felt his hand wrap around my arm, pulling me against his chest and crashing his lips to mine. He moved us back until my back pressed against the wall. The cold of the dungeon walls seeped through my skin, though his body pressed against mine set warmth running through me.

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