Chapter 24: Rogue Bludger

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I was sitting with Severus and Lucius for the Quidditch game. The sky was clear and only a few white, fluffy clouds floated in the sky, not large enough for rain. The field smelled of freshly cut grass and the players zoomed around the field.

The game seemed to be going fine until a bludger began chasing Harry around the field, following the tail of his broom wherever he flew. He and Draco chased after the snitch as the rogue bludger tore through the stands, following Harry closely, and leaving splintered bits of wood in its wake. After a few moments, Draco flew off his broom, landing on the soft grass. I stood up, my hand over my mouth as he landed in the grass. I could feel Lucius's disappointment from next to me as Draco tried not to vomit, holding his stomach as his face turned a sickly pale. Madam Pomfrey ran over to him and he was carried off the field. I sat back down and Severus discreetly placed a hand on my thigh, giving me a soft smile. The comfort didn't last long as Harry stretched out his arm to grab the snitch and the bludger smashed into his arm, his arm padding flying to the ground. He held the arm close to his chest as he continued chasing the snitch, refusing to give up. I quickly ran down to the field, just in time to see Harry fall to the ground, the snitch clutched in his hand. I began running toward him as Hermione blasted the bludger to smithereens, falling to bits around Harry's legs.

"Harry! Are you alright, love?" I asked, as I crouched down next to him. He nodded softly as Lockhart came running over.

"Not to worry, Harry, I will fix that arm of yours straight away."

"No... not you," Harry begged.

"He doesn't know what he's saying. Now, this... won't hurt a bit," Lockhart responded, as he lifted Harry's sleeve. He took out his wand and cast a spell before lifting Harry's arm. It flopped around, seeming particularly limp, as there were no bones in the arm anymore. I was furious as Lockhart began speaking.

"Ah, yes, well that can sometimes happen... but... uh, the point is you can no longer feel any pain and it's very clear that the bones are not broken."

"Are you serious!?" I hissed.

"Broken?! There's no bones left!" Hagrid replied, angrily.

"Much more flexible, though," Lockhart reasoned.

"I suggest you step away from Harry right now... before I remove your bones, and I can assure you I won't use a spell to do it," I hissed. Lockhart quickly stepped away from Harry as Madam Pomfrey came rushing over to Harry. She carried him to the hospital wing as Hermione and Ron rushed after her. The crowd dispersed and Severus came up behind me.

"How's the boy?" he asked softly.

"Not okay! That idiot tried using a spell to mend Harry's bones and he removed them!"

"I heard what you said to him. I've gotta say... that was pretty badass," Severus chuckled.

I chuckled as Severus wrapped his hands around my waist. Lucius walked over to us, still looking annoyed, though he softened as he looked at Severus and I.

"Still just as adorable as ever, you two."

Severus ducked his head, blushing slightly as Lucius chuckled. He pulled us in for a hug, his arm resting on my back, as I breathed in his rich cologne. I smiled softly to myself, remembering simpler times when the Malfoys were the closest thing I had to a real family, apart from Severus. A hug from any one of them always made me feel safe and I couldn't help but feel right at home as Severus and Lucius held me close: the man I loved and the brother I never had.

We pulled away and Lucius gave me a soft smile before striding away.

"Glad to know you still think Lockhart is an idiot," Severus said with a hint of a smile.

"Well, when he does dumb stuff like this, of course I think he's an idiot."

Severus chuckled, planting a soft kiss on my forehead before we parted ways and I went to visit Harry.

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