Chapter 37: New Teacher

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The next few weeks everyone was on edge. The ministry was constantly questioning me, which only succeeded in pissing off Severus more. I had pulled in for questioning more times over the last several weeks than I could count. Fudge was growing anxious and looking for any information, though I had none.

I was sitting in my living room, my head resting on Severus's chest, as he played with my hair, Minerva and Albus were reading a book close by. None of them had felt comfortable enough to leave my side since we learned Sirius had escaped, so they were staying here. Suddenly Albus looked up, locking eyes with me.

"Y/n! I totally forgot to tell you!" he exclaimed.

"What is it, Albus?"

"I've filled the new Dark Arts position and I'll think you'll like who I've picked," he chuckled, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Who is it?"

"Remus Lupin."

Severus's eyes instantly shot up, rage flashing in his eyes. I quickly looked at Albus, his eyes twinkling with delight.

"Really?! That's wonderful, Albus!"

"Are you out of your mind?" Severus hissed at Albus. "Black's just escaped and now, suddenly, his old best friend wants to work at Hogwarts. The same place his Godson and ex-girlfriend are?!"

"Severus! Remus isn't working with Sirius!"

"How do you know that?! When was the last time you and he spoke?"

"Well... it's been..." I sighed, realizing we hadn't spoken since the events at Godric's Hollow.

"Have you and he spoken since the Potters were killed?" Severus hissed.

"No, but that's not his fault! I should've reached out! For all we know, he probably thinks I was working with Sirius! I- I should write to him." I quickly stood up, making my way toward my desk, before grabbing a bit of parchment and an envelope and began writing.


I'm sorry I never reached out. I should've... but I guess I was too afraid you would believe what the ministry was saying. I couldn't bear the thought of you hating me, too. It's silly, I know, but I suppose it made sense at the time. Albus just told me you've accepted the Dark Arts job at Hogwarts and I couldn't be happier for you. I hope you'll accept my invitation for coffee before term starts. I imagine we have a lot to discuss.


I finished writing before returning to the living room, where Severus was glaring at Albus. I gave the letter to my owl before she flew off, out the window.

"Y/n..." Severus stood, making his way toward me.

"What do you want?" I asked, not even looking at him, still facing the window.

"I'm sorry, Y/n," he whispered as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.

"Severus, there is something you should know," Albus interrupted. "I know you're aware of Mr. Lupin's... condition."

Severus and I turned to face Albus, as Severus scoffed in response.

"As you are the potions master... you will need to brew him wolfsbane every month to help his transitions."

"Yeah, right," Severus scoffed. I turned to him, giving him a look that could kill. He gulped before turning back to Albus and giving him a small nod.

"Excellent. He'll be taking the Hogwarts train with the students in order to help keep an eye on Harry... in case Black tries to make an appearance."

"Thank you, Albus. That's an excellent idea."

Severus turned to me, pulling my body against his as he looked down at me.

"So... am I forgiven?"

I shrugged, giving him a bored look as I looked down at my fingernails. "Hm... I guess it just depends on how you make it up to me."

He grabbed my chin, forcing me to look up at him, as he moved closer to my ear. "We have company, darling."

"I didn't say it had to be that, Mr. Dirty Mind. There are other things you could do... although I hear you know a good silencing charm," I replied, whispering in his ear.

"You little minx," he smirked, smacking my ass lightly.

"Alright, you two. Get a room," Minerva laughed.

"Hey, I do believe this is Y/n's house and I do believe you each have your own guest room. If I want to fuck her right here on this couch, the two of you could not object."


"What?! You're the one who said I had to make it up to you!"

I shook my head, laughter filling the room, as I buried my face in his chest.

"Aww, did I embarrass you, love?"

I groaned into his chest as he chuckled, a deep rumble erupting in his chest.

"Come, darling... let's get you to bed." he moved closer to my ear. "I'll make it up to you there."

My heart leaped and my breath hitched as he led us toward my bedroom, saying a quick goodnight to Albus and Minerva, before closing my bedroom door and casting a silencing charm.

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