Chapter 34: Sirius Black

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I stood in my kitchen, looking at the Daily Prophet, as the color drained from my face. Sirius Black's face stared up at me as he thrashed and screamed at the camera. I couldn't move and the teacup I had been holding slipped to the ground, shattering into pieces, tea oozing into the carpet. I heard loud knocking on the door but I couldn't move. My hands gripped the Daily Prophet tightly, wrinkling the edges as the knocking grew louder.

"Y/n! Oh, Merlin, Y/n! Please open the door!" Severus yelled as I heard a small pop before another voice could be heard outside my door.

"Is she here?" I heard Minerva ask.

"I-I don't know. She won't answer the door."

Memories swirled in my mind as I stared at the moving image.

Sirius Black betrayed Lily and James!

"Y/n! Please open the door!"

"Minerva, what if something's wrong?! What if he got to her first!?"

Not her, please!


You're on thin ice as it is.

My body was frozen and I couldn't move a muscle. I heard the door burst open as Severus and Minerva came running into the room. Severus looked around the room before his eyes settled on the paper in my hand and the shattered teacup.

"Y/n... darling, are you alright?" Severus asked as he moved toward me. I looked up, my eyes locking with his, though it didn't feel as if I was really there. It felt as if I was floating somewhere outside of my body, simply looking down at the scene before me, watching as Severus stepped over the glass, carefully making his way toward me. He carefully scooped my still form into his arms, lifting my bare feet from the glass. He carefully placed me on the couch as Minerva entered the room. I heard their voices conversing but I couldn't make out what they were saying. It was simply a low hum as I stared down at the paper in my hand, the edges wrinkling from how hard I was gripping it.

Severus's face came into view as he knelt in front of me. I could see his lips moving but no sound was reaching my ears. He placed a hand on my arm as his other one moved to the paper in my hand. He tried to gently take the paper from my grasp but I couldn't let go. His hand pushed a strand of hair from my face as his lips continued to move, but all I could hear was a roaring in my ears.

Sirius Black betrayed Lily and James!

Severus stood up, making his way toward Minerva.

"She's in shock, Severus."

"What can we do, Minerva?"

"All we can do right now is give her time. At least we know she is safe."

"What if he comes for her?"

"We'll protect her, Severus... she'll be alright."

Severus moved to sit next to me, placing a hand on my arm. I instantly flinched away from his touch, pulling my knees to my chest as the paper slipped from my grasp, falling to the floor, making no sound as it hit the carpet.

He killed Peter Pettigrew and 12 muggles, Miss Y/l/n. He is going to Azkaban for the rest of his life.

I rested my head on my knees as the paper lay wrinkled on the ground, Sirius's face staring up at me. Severus sat next to me, though he didn't make a move to touch me again.

Nearly an hour passed before I felt Severus's fingers carefully brush my arm, testing the waters as he cautiously watched my reaction. He breathed a sigh of relief as I allowed his hand to move up my arm before resting on my cheek. He carefully pushed my hair out of my face before moving closer to me, pulling my body against his. My head rested on his chest as he pressed soft kisses on the top of my head. His chest rumbled as he spoke, though I couldn't make out what he was saying. It wasn't long before I felt my eyelids grow heavy and I slipped into a dreamless sleep.


A few hours later, I felt myself slowly waking up as I heard voices whispering around me, though my body stayed still, too tired to move.

"What do we do, Albus? She's been like this for hours! She hasn't said a word... she won't even speak to Severus. I thought... out of everyone he would be able to get her to speak, but she hasn't said a word."

"She's probably still in shock, Minerva. The man who killed her best friends has just escaped... not to mention the fact that she used to be in love with him."

Silence filled the room as Albus finished speaking. No one knew what to say and the atmosphere had grown painfully awkward. I slowly rolled over, facing the three standing in my living room. Severus quickly moved toward me, placing a hand on my face, gently pushing a strand of hair behind my ear.

Severus's POV

"Hello, darling."


It appeared as if she was looking through me rather than at me. Her eyes were void of any emotion, completely glazed over, as if there was no longer anyone there, no longer a soul inside.


Nothing. Not even a flicker of recognition at her own name. I looked up as Albus and Minerva carefully watched us.

"Baby, please..."

I saw a brief flicker of something in her eyes, though I couldn't quite place what it was. It gave me a small bit of hope as I brushed her cheek.

"I promise you... I won't let him hurt you... He won't come near you."

I watched as her lip trembled slightly and her small hand reached for mine, interlocking our fingers. I breathed a sigh of relief at this small sign of life from her. Her hand was nearly squeezing the life out of mine but I didn't care.

"I'm here, darling... I'm here."

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