Chapter 21: Flourish and Blotts

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I was walking through Flourish and Blotts with Severus, gathering some last minute materials for class. I always tried to get a few extra textbooks, especially in case I had students who came from non-wealthy and non-magical families, who may not be able to afford the books. From a few feet away, I heard Lucius's voice, cold and calculating as he spoke to someone.

"Well, well, well, Arthur Weasley," he said, his voice cold and slow.

"Lucius," I heard Arthur respond. The distaste in his voice was evident in the way he spoke his name. I turned toward the conversation as Severus watched the encounter, curiously.

"Busy time at the Ministry, Arthur? All those extra raids... I do hope they're paying you overtime, although, judging by the state of this..." I watched as he picked up a tattered looking book from Ginny's cauldron, inspecting it as though it might bite him at any moment. I took a step forward before I felt a hand on my arm.

"Don't get involved, love," Severus whispered, his fingers brushing the skin on my forearm and his eyes pleading with me. "That is not a fight you want to pick right now."

"What's the use in being a disgrace to the name wizard if they don't even pay you well for it?" 

That was the final straw. I pulled my arm away from Severus and made my way toward the Weasleys. I had known Arthur and Molly from my days in the Order during the first war. I had lost contact with them but Molly and Arthur had always been friendly toward me and I refused to let Lucius speak to them this way.

"We have a very different idea about what disgraces the name wizard, Malfoy," Arthur responded, an edge to his voice.

"Clearly... and I thought your family could sink no lower," Lucius sneered.

Oh shit... I groaned internally, knowing Arthur wouldn't just let that stand, knowing he would defend his family by any means necessary, though I didn't expect what he would due next. I barely had time to react before I saw Arthur leap toward Lucius, knocking him into a shelf of books. I quickly ran over to the scene as Severus followed behind me. Lucius stood up, preparing to strike at Arthur, but I stepped in between the two men.

"Come on, guys. Do we really need to do this?" I soothed.

Lucius's eyes softened once they locked on me and he backed off, slightly, though I could see he was still angry with Arthur. He turned toward Ginny, thrusting the book in her hands.

"Here, girl. Take your book. It's the best your father can give you," he hissed, turning on his heel. "Watch your back, Weasley." His cold voice sent chills through my body and I knew we hadn't heard the last of this. I feared what Lucius would do when I wasn't around but I tried not to think about that right now.

Arthur looked furious as Lucius and Draco left the shop, taking their dark aura with them. I turned toward Arthur and he pulled me into a hug.

"Thank you for that, Y/n. I'm afraid I lost my cool there for a moment," he said as we pulled away.

"It's alright, Arthur. Lucius has that effect on people... especially these days." I sighed, remembering the way he used to be. He was still kind when it came to Severus and I but to the outside world he was cold and calculating, never letting anyone see the Lucius I once knew.

"So... you know him?" Arthur asked.

"Yeah, we went to Hogwarts together... before the war," I answered, carefully avoiding the details of my summers at their home and the way they kept my secret.

"Were you friends?" Arthur asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Yeah... we're still friends... it's just complicated now that we're on different sides, and if he returns... things will be very different."

Arthur nodded in understanding as Molly walked over.

"Y/n! How wonderful to see you, dear!" she exclaimed.

"You too, Molly."

She pulled me into a hug and I saw Severus a few feet away, though he was keeping his distance. When Molly pulled away she saw where I was looking and a smile spread across her face.

"I've never seen Severus here before."

"Oh, yeah... he came with me to get some last minute supplies for my class."

"Did he, now?" She gave me a knowing smirk and I lightly punched her shoulder.

"Quiet, you. We are just good friends."

"Mhm, sure... I saw the way he looked at you when you came over here to break up the fight. That man was ready to fight to the death if you got hurt."

"We've been friends for a long time, Molly," I chuckled. "That is all."

"If you say so," she responded, dropping the subject, which I was grateful for. We said our goodbyes and I walked over to Severus, who was looking at one of Gilderoy's books.

"Thinking of buying it?" I asked, jokingly.

"Absolutely not," he replied, placing the book back on the shelf and whipping his hands, as though he had touched something filthy. "Just thought I'd see what the big deal was."

"Hm, and now that you have?"

"Not much there," he responded. I laughed as a small smile spread across his face. "I mean... unless you're into brainless, arrogant, walking smiles."

"Definitely not," I replied. "I'm more into dark and mysterious... intelligent, potions professors."

I saw a small tint of pink on his cheeks as he thought about his next response. "Hm... so how many potions professors did you date before me?"

"Absolutely none."

He chuckled, discreetly brushing his fingers against my hand but never interlocking them.

"Glad to know you didn't have a thing for Slughorn," Severus replied, chuckling.

"Yeah, no. Absolutely not," I answered.

Severus laughed and I wanted to kiss him more than anything in this moment but I knew there were too many people. I could tell he was thinking the same thing as he moved his hand up my arm, resting on my shoulder. To anyone else this simple act would be seen as more of a friendly gesture but we knew the weight of our actions. The simple touches in public never let anyone else know the truth but made my breath hitch each time.

"What do you say we get these last few books and get out of here?" I asked him. A smirk spread across his face as he answered.

"Sounds wonderful, darling."

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