Chapter 6: Just Like His Father

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"Really, Severus! He's not his father! You can't treat him like that just because he looks like James!" I hissed. I was standing in Severus's classroom as he glared at me.

"He's arrogant like his father!" Severus yelled, making his way toward me.

"Shut up! Don't you dare speak against James! He's dead and I won't let you disrespect his memory by talking about him like this or treating his son like shit!"

"Don't you speak to me like that, little girl!"

"Fuck you! You don't get to tell me how to talk to you! If you can't at least let Harry show you what he is capable of without comparing him to his father then you can stay the hell away from me!" I turned to walk away but Severus grabbed my wrist, turning me around and backing me up against the wall.

"Watch your mouth!" He lifted my arms over my head, holding them in place as his body pressed against mine.

"You watch yours around my Godson!" I hissed.

"Oh, please! You and him don't even have a relationship! He met you this year! He doesn't even know you!" he screamed. I watched as his mouth hung open, realizing what he said.

"You bastard!" I screamed, pulling my arms from his grip. His hands fell loosely to his sides as he stepped back slightly. His body was no longer pressed against mine though I could still feel his breath on my face from how close he stood to me.

"Y/n.. I didn't mean that. I-I'm sorry."

I pushed him away from me, stepping away from the wall as I moved toward the door.

"Y/n, wait, please!" Severus called, stepping between me and the door.

"Move. Now," I hissed, suddenly feeling trapped.

"Y/n... please. I didn't mean that." He reached his hand toward me but I stepped back, not allowing him to touch me.

"Yeah you did, Severus. Don't try to backpedal on what you said. Now, I suggest you let me out of this room before Hogwarts loses its Potions Master."

I watched as his hand fell to his side and he stepped away from the door, opening it before turning to me.

"I really didn't mean it, Y/n... and I hope you can forgive me someday. I don't want to lose what we have... however confusing it may be... I don't want to lose it."

I could feel the tears welling in my eyes and I left without another word.

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