Chapter 20: Defense Against the Dark Arts

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Summer passed fairly quickly with no issues. Severus and I spent as much time together as possible over the break along with Albus and Minerva when possible. We were sitting in Minerva's kitchen, drinking tea when she suddenly brought up an interesting topic.

"Have you guys heard who the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher is?" Minerva asked.

"No, why? Who is it?" I asked as Severus stayed silent. I knew this was always a frustrating topic for him, considering it was the job he had always wanted.

"Gilderoy Lockhart!"

I felt Severus grow tense beside me at the mention of Lockhart's name.

"What?!" I laughed. "That phony? What's he going to teach the students? How to smile correctly?"

"Well, there's a lot to learn about the proper way to smile," Minerva replied, sarcastically, chuckling to herself.

"What was Albus thinking?" I asked Minerva, though she only shook her head and threw her hands up.

"I'm not sure he is thinking anymore!" she chuckled.

"So... you're not a fan of Lockhart, then, huh?" Severus asked, his body slowly relaxing.

"Oh, please? That joker?" I chuckled. "Yeah, no. He started Hogwarts around 3 years after I did and he was just never that bright, though he had enough arrogance to make him think he was the King of England. Honestly, I'm not sure how he's sold all these books. Why do you ask, Severus?"

"Oh, no reason... just all the girls seem to be flocking for him... thought you would be too."

"Yeah, arrogance is not my type," I chuckled. "Plus, why would I 'flock for him,' as you so eloquently put it, when I've got my man sitting right next to me."

Severus chuckled, placing a hand on my thigh and giving me a soft smile, though I could see the insecurity in his eyes. I placed my hand on top of his, hoping to soothe any doubts he had about my feelings toward him.

This was certainly going to be an interesting year.

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