Chapter 40: Remus

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I was sitting in front of my mirror getting ready to meet Remus when Severus entered the room.

"Don't you look gorgeous," he said as he walked up behind me, placing his hands on my shoulders. "You're certainly getting quite dressed up to meet Lupin."

"Severus," I warned, closing my makeup bag and returning it to its drawer.

"Are you sure the two of you are just friends?" he asked, looking at my reflection in the mirror.

I quickly stood up, turning around to face him.

"Sev... yes, that's all we are. I don't just get dressed up for men, you know! Sometimes I just like to look nice," I answered, chuckling.

"Well... you do, Y/n... you look beautiful," he said as he wrapped his arms around my waist. He began pressing soft kisses along my jaw before moving down my neck.

"Severus... I have to go."

"Oh, come on, princess. You don't leave for another 15 minutes, right?" He moved his lips to my collarbone before moving to the other side of my neck. I felt his teeth graze the skin before he began sucking on it.

"Severus... are you seriously trying to mark me?"

"Perhaps... This shirt reveals far too much, princess. If daddy marks you... you'll have to wear a jacket and Lupin won't get to see so much of you... or you can let Lupin see the marks daddy left on your gorgeous little body so he can know you're mine."

"Severus!" I exclaimed as he grabbed my ass.

"Come on, baby. Let daddy mark that gorgeous little body."

"Severus," I chuckled. "I have to go."

"Please... little one." He knows my weaknesses so well and I feel my legs growing weak. I quickly pull back, placing a hand on his chest, keeping him at a distance.

"I have to go," I chuckled. He groaned before releasing me, giving me one final tap on the ass as I walked out the door.


I walked into a small cafe, looking around, as I locked eyes with Remus. He looked much older, more mature, and several scratch marks covered his face, but it was still the same Remus. His eyes brightened when he saw me and he quickly stood up, running toward me.

"Y/n!" he exclaimed.


He pulled me into his arms, tears slipping down his cheeks. He pulled away, holding my face in his hands. "Nearly 12 years later, and you still look just as beautiful as ever."

I laughed as we took a seat, ordering 2 cups of coffee.

The conversation flowed easily and it seemed as if no time had passed. We had been talking for several hours and by the end, tears were streaming down our faces as we struggled to breathe from laughing so hard.

"So..." Remus began, wiping the tears from his eyes. "It's been nearly twelve years... tell me, is there anyone special in your life?"

"Oh... uh..." I didn't know what to say. James and Sirius had harbored such hatred for Severus and I didn't know how Remus would react.

"Wait... is it who I think it is?" Remus asked after I didn't answer, a smile spreading across his face. He clapped his hands in delight. "Are you and Severus together?!"

I looked down, feeling my cheeks growing warmer.

"Merlin's beard! I knew there was something between you two all those years ago! So, when did you get together?"

"Oh... uh... it was toward the end of Harry's first year... but we didn't tell anyone until the end of last term. Severus hasn't left my side since we found out Sirius..." I trailed off. Neither Remus nor I had mentioned that Sirius had escaped but we both knew he had. It was like a giant elephant in the room that no one had addressed.

"Since Sirius escaped," Remus whispered. I nodded.

"The Ministry goes back and forth between thinking I'm working with him and thinking he's coming after me. They questioned me a lot over the last few weeks."

"I'm so sorry," Remus whispered, placing his hand on top of mine. "Do you really think he would come after you?"

"Severus, Albus, and Minerva do. None of them have left my house since the news broke. I don't know anymore, Remus."

"He loved you... I don't think he'd ever hurt you."

"Well, we thought he loved James and Lily too... and Peter... but he killed them."

"No, but with you... Sirius has never loved anyone the way he loved you. I-I don't know why he betrayed us... but I don't think he would ever hurt you."

"I don't know what he's capable of anymore, Rem." His hand was still on mine and I felt several tears slipping down my cheeks. "I loved him... but it turns out I didn't even know him."

"It just doesn't make any sense. Why would he betray us?"

"I wish I knew, Rem... I wish I knew."

At that moment I heard a commotion outside as Severus ran into the cafe, searching the room before locking eyes with me.

"Thank Merlin!" he breathed, making his way over to me, pulling me against his chest.

"Severus, what's going on?"

He pulled away, holding my face in his hands as he searched my eyes, carefully.

"You're alright?"

"Yes, Sev... Of course I'm alright. What's going on?"

"You need to come home... now."

"Severus... you're scaring me."

"There's no need to be scared, darling. I won't let him touch you."

"Severus... what are you talking about?"

"I'll explain everything once I get you home."

At this point, Remus had stood up, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Y/n...? Is everything alright?"

I could see Severus glaring at Remus before speaking.

"Everything's fine," he hissed. "I need to get Y/n home."

"What's going on?"

"Nothing that concerns you, Lupin... Considering the fact that you're probably working with Black."

"Severus!" I hissed, pulling away from him. "What the hell is going on?"

"I need to get you out of here."

I turned to Remus, who looked extremely concerned, before he began to speak. "Y/n... may I come with?"

"She doesn't need your help, Lupin."

"Severus!" I hissed. "Remus, of course you can come with."

"Y/n, how do you know he isn't working wi-."

I cut him off by crashing my lips to his, wrapping my arms around his neck, as our lips moved in sync.

"Severus... you need to breathe," I whispered as we pulled away from the kiss. "Remus wouldn't hurt me. He's my friend."

"Black was your boyfriend."

"Alright, that's enough," Remus said, noticing how Severus's words had stung me. "Clearly, something happened. Let's get Y/n home and we can talk there." Remus tossed some money on the table before taking my hand, as Severus took my other one, and we disapparated.  

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