Chapter 41: The Letter

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When we arrived at my home, Albus and Minerva came running outside, pulling me into a hug.

"Oh, Y/n! Thank goodness you're alright!" Minerva exclaimed.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked as I pulled away.

"We'll explain everything in a moment... for now, let's get you inside." She turned to Remus. "Good to see you Remus."

"You as well, Professor."

"We'll soon be colleagues, Remus. There's no need to call me Professor. Minerva will do, dear."

Remus nodded as we made our way inside.

"What's this all about?" I asked, turning to Severus. He picked up a letter off the counter, placing it into my hands before speaking.

"This was on your doorstep after you left. We aren't sure how it got there, but... I was worried, so I-I opened it, and..." He t      railed off, pointing at the letter, waiting for me to open it.


I can't tell you how much I've missed you. The thought of seeing you again is the only thing that got me through all these years. I promise I'll explain everything when I see you. Nothing is as it seems. I'm coming home, love. I'm coming for you.


I felt my breathing stop for a brief moment as I finished the letter. I'm coming for you. Remus moved toward me, taking the letter from my hands, as I began hearing a roaring in my ears. Remus seemed to grow pale as he read the letter. Severus moved in front of me, taking my face in his hands, though I couldn't seem to focus on him.

Severus's POV

I watched as Lupin read the letter, growing pale, and Y/n stood, unmoving. I moved in front of her, taking her face in my hands, but her eyes didn't meet mine. She seemed far away once again. I placed my hand on her forehead, noticing she was growing warmer and warmer by the minute.

"Albus, get protection charms over this house, right now!" I hissed. I watched as her legs grew weak, shaking beneath her as she tried to hold herself up. I quickly wrapped my arms around her, allowing her to collapse against me, her hands clutching my cloak. I carefully lifted her, placing her on the couch. Her eyes were open as I covered her shaking body with a blanket, though they weren't looking at anything in particular. I pushed her hair out of her face as Lupin moved behind me.

"Severus, what's going on?"

"She's in shock," I hissed. "Thanks to your friend!"

"Severus," Minerva began, placing a hand on my shoulder. "This is the last thing she needs right now."

"The last thing she needs is some friend of Black's showing up here putting her in danger. I don't know why you even hired him!" I hissed, looking at Albus.

"Severus, this is not the time nor the place for this. Remus has done nothing wrong-."

"He's a werewolf! You don't honestly think having him at a school full of children is a smart idea!"

"Maybe I should go," Lupin said as he moved toward Y/n. "I don't know if you can hear me or not, but... I've missed you... I'm happy I got the chance to see you again. If you need anything... I'm only an owl away." He lifted her hand, pressing his lips against it, before whispering to her. "Goodbye, Y/n." He tried to stand up but at that moment her hand squeezed his, refusing to let go. I watched their interaction, curiously. Her eyes had not changed but her hand had gripped his so tightly, it was unmistakable that she wanted him to stay. I sighed, standing up, placing a hand on Lupin's back.

"Clearly, she doesn't want you to leave... I haven't seen her as happy as she was in that cafe in weeks. As much as I hate to admit it... maybe having you here will do her some good." I left the room, feeling the tears welling in my eyes and refusing to let Lupin, of all people, see me weak. Minerva followed me out of the room as I grabbed a glass of water. I could the dishes piling up as they had slipped everyone's mind. With everything going on with Black, the last thing that had been on anyone's mind was dishes, or even basic cleaning. The laundry in her room was piling up and I didn't even know what to do with it. I was lost in my thoughts when Minerva stepped behind me, placing a hand on my shoulder.


I placed my cup in the sink, grabbing a sponge, before lathering it with soap.

"Severus... are you alright?" Minerva asked, softly.

"I'm fine."

Minerva's POV

"Severus... are you alright?"

"I'm fine," he replied, gruffly, as he began scrubbing the dishes.

"Severus... we can do that with magic, you know?" I replied, softly.

"No... she never relied on her magic to do housework... she always said it helped her think... and this helps me think, too." His eyes didn't meet mine, but I could see the sadness in them as he looked dow at the plate he was scrubbing. "We used to do it together... when she was..." He trailed off, not knowing what else to say but I knew what he meant. Back when she was safe. Before Sirius escaped. Before she became so overwhelmed with fear that her body would shut down. Before everything.

I sighed, moving next to him before grabbing a towel.

"What are you doing?"

"Well, I'm not going to let you do this alone, Severus. You wash, I'll dry."

I saw the slightest hint of a smile on his face as we washed the dishes. Neither of us spoke of what was happening. We simply washed the dishes, allowing a comfortable silence to fill the room.

When we finished the dishes, Severus wiped down the counter before turning to me.

"Thank you, Minerva," he said, softly.

"I didn't do anything."

"You did... even if you don't realize it," he replied, placing a hand on my shoulder. Severus was never one for affection with anyone other than Y/n so this small act of affection from him brought tears to my eyes. We had always been good friends but he always seemed to keep everyone at a distance, as if he was afraid they would get hurt simply by being associated with him. I assume that's why he pushed Y/n away all those years ago, but I never knew what he was so afraid of. We left the kitchen and saw Y/n still laying on the couch, unmoving. Remus was next to her, holding her hand and smoothing the hair away from her face. Severus continued walking down the hallway, toward Y/n's room. When he walked out of her room, he was holding a bag of her laundry and headed toward her laundry room as I quickly followed him. When I entered I saw him looking at the buttons curiously. I couldn't help the small chuckle that escaped my lips as he stared at the buttons. I walked behind him and he startled slightly before realizing it was me.

"She showed me how to do this once before, but I... I can't seem to remember," he sighed.

"You probably need soap first, Severus," I chuckled. A small smile spread on his face as he laughed and poured in a bit of soap.

"Is that enough?"

"That's perfect."

I showed him the correct buttons to push and we closed the lid.

"Thanks again," he chuckled.

"Anytime, Severus. But if you ever ask me to help you wash your underwear, I'm out."

I watched as he broke into laughter. It was the first time I had seen him truly laugh in the last few weeks, and even before that his laughter was scarce unless he was with Y/n. He wiped his eyes as several tears had fallen from them through his laughter.

"Don't worry, Minerva. I'll never ask that of you."

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