Chapter 22: Pompous and Arrogant is not my Type

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I sat in the Great Hall, watching as the first years entered the hall, looking nervous. Severus placed a hand on my thigh, discreetly and I looked around, making sure no one had noticed. As I looked around the room, I noticed Harry and Ron weren't at their usual seats. In fact, they weren't in the Great Hall at all. I gave Hermione a curious look but she simply shrugged as she didn't know where they were either. The first years entered the hall and Lockhart cheered loudly.

"Oh, how wonderful!" he exclaimed. I focused on holding in my laughter as Gilderoy clapped, flashing his signature smile. Several girls in the Great Hall had their mouths hanging open and Gilderoy was eating up the attention, enjoying every minute of it. I let out a small chuckle at how stupid he looked, though I had tried to hold it in. The only person who had heard it was Severus and he looked at me, curiously, his hand still on my thigh, though he seemed to grip it tighter.

Severus's POV

Lockhart clapped, loudly welcoming the first years, flashing his annoying little smile. The female students and teachers were looking at Lockhart in awe, their mouths hanging open. Most of the male students and teachers seemed annoyed with Lockhart's display, while others seemed to be just as interested in staring at the insolent little man as the females. I heard Y/n let out a small chuckle from next to me and I watched her expression carefully. She was staring at Lockhart and I could see her trying to hold back a smile. Is she attracted to this git? Her eyes met mine and she gave me a confused look before her eyes flicked down to my hand which was still on her thigh. My knuckles were turning white from how hard I was gripping her. She moved her hand, placing it on top of mine, softly rubbing her fingers over my knuckles. I loosened my grip on her thigh as the tips of her fingers rubbed small circles into my knuckles. The students and teachers were too focused on Lockhart to notice this simple interaction, but the act of affection she was giving me warmed my heart. Maybe I was wrong in making her keep our relationship a secret...

Y/n's POV

I continued rubbing circles into his hand, though I wasn't exactly sure why he had squeezed me like that. What had upset him? Had I done something wrong? He gave me a soft smile before turning back to Albus. I locked my fingers with Severus's, trying to assure him everything was ok, though I didn't fully understand what had happened.

"Excuse me," he said, standing up. He had something on his mind as he looked out the window before striding out of the Great Hall. I waited a few moments before following him out of the Great Hall. I walked down the long corridor before I saw him leading Harry and Ron to his office. I followed them carefully. When they reached his office I heard his gruff voice speak.

"In!" he ordered. I quickly moved toward the door as it closed, standing just outside his office, listening carefully for what he would do next.

"So, the train isn't good enough for the famous Harry Potter and his faithful sidekick, Weasley. Wanted to arrive with a bang, did we boys?"

"No, sir, it was the barrier at King's Cross, it-."

"Silence!" his cold voice ordered. "You were seen by no less than seven muggles! I believe your father works in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office. Dear, dear, his own son," Severus said, disapprovingly. There was a cold edge to his voice, one that I had only heard when he was disciplining students. I can only remember a select few times when he had ever sounded this angry, one of which being when he was telling me to stay away from the Malfoys. "You have risked the exposure of our world. Not to mention the damage you inflicted on a whomping willow that's been on these grounds since before you were born," he continued, his voice growing louder.

"Honestly, Professor Snape. I think it did more damage to us," Ron responded.

"Silence!" Severus hissed again.

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