Don't Look Back- Chapter 8

Start from the beginning

“Hey Clumsy.” I rolled my eyes and turned around to face Justin standing there with a cocky grin on his face.

“Hey Jerk.” I replied using the same tone of voice and fake smiling at him. He sat down next to me.

“So what’d you do, you know, you never answered me earlier.” Just then Aimee walked to the table. I scowled at her and turned back to Justin.

“Some girl was a bitch, and has a grudge for no reason at all, and dropped me at practice.” I said it all with a shrug as I turned my head to look at Aimee. We ‘smiled’ at each other and that’s when Jessica and Chase came to the table.

“Hey Jess, how was your morning?” I completely ignore Aimee as I continue to talk to everyone at the table.

“Good, how’s your ankle?” she looked concerned as she said it. Jessica and I talk back and forth for 5 minutes and I occasionally eat my food.

Lunch went by fast. Chase took my tray as he was leaving, "Bye" he called out over his shoulder.

I picked up my biology book and slung my tote bag over my shoulder.

“Here let me take that for you.” Justin grabbed my tote bag from my shoulder and I couldn’t help but smile and slightly blush, no one’s did that for me before, not even Chase.

“Thanks.” I started walking next to him and I couldn’t help but wonder why he was being nice to me at the moment. I mean about 15 minutes ago he was calling me clumsy and talking about how I couldn’t even manage to walk up the stairs right.

We reached biology and he sat my stuff by my seat and he sat down next to me.

“Okay class today we will be dissecting a Crayfish.” Everyone groaned as Mr. Morrison started explaining and dropping down dissection trays and instructions on the lab table.

“Okay I think it’s fair that you cut the lobster thing and I sit back and watch.” Justin sat back after he got done talking.

“Oh no, I am not doing all of this work all by myself, and I’m the girl why do I have to cut it?” I looked at him and stuck my lip out, pouting a bit.

“Because I carried in your stuff and I don’t feel like doing anything.” He stated simply. Ugh! That’s why he carried my stuff because he knew about this dissection and didn’t want to do it. Well there went my theory about him not being a complete and total jerk…

“Come on Alexa get cutting the lobster thing.” I picked up the scissors as I looked at him.

“It’s not a lobster thing it’s a crayfish, are you really going to make me cut it?” I look at him trying to use my best pouting face.

He looks at me like he’s about to give in then he turns around and looks back at me.

“I see other girls doing the cutting so you can too, nice try with the puppy face though, it almost worked.” He smiles and turns to me waiting for me to begin cutting.

I place the scissors right by the abdomen and make a snip. I jump at the sound and feeling of the cut.

Justin laughs and looks at me amused.

“Can you please cut it?”

Why do you want me to cut it Alexa?”

I look away then back to him.

“If I tell you why you’re going to laugh at me.” I look him in the eyes as he promises he won’t laugh.

I sigh before I begin talking. “Well I’m afraid that I’ll hurt it and then it’ll get mad and haunt me or something.”

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