Chapter 19

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Su Chi walked to the door, and a secretary opened the door. He walked in quickly and found that the entire office was super large, and the entire floor-to-ceiling windows illuminated the entire office particularly brightly.

    The office is in a business style, and the decoration is very simple.

    Su Chi walked in, and a young man in a suit and leather shoes sat at the huge desk, bowing his head while approving some documents.

    He raised his head when he heard the sound, and the two looked at each other like this, and no one could look away.

    The young man in front of him looked younger than Su Chi and no more than two years old, and his noble temperament was fully displayed in a well-cut high-definition suit.

    This man's features are very handsome, but not sharp at all, and he feels very comfortable.

    The moment Su Chiyue saw him, his heart surged, as if something was stuck in his throat, and he couldn't tell the truth.

.Sitting at his desk, Tang Yanchen looked at Su Chiyue carefully. It was no different from the person watching in the video. A college student in his twenties who had not graduated was clean and pure at his age.

    The difference is that he seems to be more patience than the video, especially the eyes that make him unable to tell.

    Tang Yanchen stood up and walked to Su Chiyue, stretched out his right hand, "Tang Yanchen."

    Su Chi slowed down and shook hands with him, "Su Chiyue."

    Tang Yanchen and Su Chi Yue's characters are similar, three years older than Su Chi, and coupled with his work in the mall at a young age, he looks much more mature than Su Chi.

    Tang Yanchen found that Su Chiyue was still looking at him, he smiled, "Have we met?"

    Su Chiyue was very sure that he had never seen him, and there was never a person named Tang Yanchen in the memory of the original owner. .He shook his head, "It shouldn't be."

    "I also feel that we haven't seen it, but the difference is that I have seen you online." Tang Yanchen said, "I'll tell you that you are very different from yourself in the videos and photos. I always feel that we are ...Seems familiar."

    Tang Yanchen said this in Su Chiyue's heart, and he also felt this way, or that he felt that Tang Yanchen looked a lot like himself, especially those eyes, as if they were carved out of a mold.

    Even the light radiating from his eyes seemed to be copied.

    Su Chiyue reacted for a while, and then smiled, "Maybe I am born with a popular face, everyone will find it familiar. After all, if I had known a noble person like you before, I would have to remember 80 years before something happened. It's okay to trouble you."

    The more Su Chi joked, Tang Yanchen also laughed, "Sit down."

.Sitting down on the sofa, Tang Yanchen ordered Su Chiyue a glass of iced juice, "Are you here to sign a contract?"

    This is the task his father gave him, and it hasn't been done for so many days. He originally thought that when his father went to see Su Chi, the more he would realize that he was not worthy of his brother, and then obstructed him in every possible way. He didn't expect this to be the case.

    Su Chiyue pushed a bank card over, "Here is half a million. I'm sorry that my mother took the money without authorization. I have no intention of signing a contract for the time being."

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