Chapter 10

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"The team is only temporary. Our original intention is to hope that you can find your favorite love partner. If any guest feels unable to spark the spark of love and feels that two people are not appropriate, either party can propose to leave. We will follow All the needs of the remaining guests have been comprehensively considered for him to choose a new love partner."

    The program group announces the rules.

    Su Chiyue looked at the three pairs opposite, and they all nodded very clearly, not surprised at all. but! The contract he signed was that he was not allowed to withdraw under any circumstances, otherwise he would have to pay double liquidated damages. Why?

    If the mysterious guest is particularly bad and has to fall in love with him, he has no right to ask to leave. Is he a bit too miserable?

    Is it too late for him to regret it now?

    The director ignored Su Chiyue's accusing eyes and began to look at the sky.

.The staff took out four photos, "This is everyone's next residence. Later, our fellow will teach you a skill. Which group can be completed first, you can give priority to the choice of residence. Of course, the corresponding residence It contains the ingredients for everyone tonight. The better the residence, the richer the variety of ingredients."

    "No matter which residence you choose in the end, please rest assured that there is an independent personal space for you, and we will maximize the convenience for you to ensure your privacy."

    The staff showed the photos of the four houses to everyone.

    The first building is a small two-story building with all the necessary facilities, and it is the best one at a glance.

    The second building is a brick house, the whole house is built with red bricks, it is very regular, with large windows, it feels very open and bright.

    The third building is a mud-tiled house, which looks a bit dilapidated, and there is a big pot in the yard.

.The fourth worst is a house built with wooden boards. The windows are very small, and the outside seems to be covered with weeds. The stove that makes the fire is in the middle of the weeds. It looks like no one has taken care of it for a long time. Clean up weeds.

    Looking around, everyone has chosen the first building, the first absolutely modern facility. The rest will have to make a fire by themselves, for fear that there will be a big kang or something in it.

    Everyone followed the route of the program group to find fellow villagers, and the staff of the program group on the road introduced them to everyone.

    "Here is our beautiful Daxinganling forest area. Everyone has seen it. On the way we came, there were forests everywhere, and there were virgin forests in it. After choosing a residence later, you can go around at will, but don’t It exceeds our warning line. The people here depend on wood for their livelihood. On the one hand, they cut the wood and transport it out, on the other hand, they also plant and protect the trees..."

.After walking for about ten minutes, I finally came to a fellow villager's home.

    The fellow was very kind and saw everyone greet enthusiastically, "I will teach you how to make a fire today."

    When everyone heard it, there were some difficulties. Most of them grew up in the city. Where did the fire start?

    Su Chiyue was very interested. He lived with his grandmother when he was young, and it was easy to make a fire.

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