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"Demont!" I screamed. My gun fell from my hands. I saw dark spots of darkness around him and sprinted towards him. A bullet found its place in the wall next to me and my ears rang. I looked to my left.

Ezmo Santiago's had smoke coming out of it, two bullet cases already on the ground. I looked at him with horror.

"I know you don't care for your life but if you take another step forward, I will shoot all your little kids. And you know, I will Lovelle. And you won't be there to protect them."

I straightened and my face grew cold. I was so furious. So very rageful, I felt nothing.

"Why?" I asked the traitor.

As if he slipped on a mask his eyebrows furrowed and pouted his lips slightly.

"Elle, are you okay?"

He scrunched his nose.

"I'm really sorry. I heard from Slime, all of those guys would be in Taiwan, killing someone really important." he looked genuinely apologetic. He played it. He acted it out, so I'd trust him. And Demont trusted him all these years. He believed in this monster before me which shot his friend right in the chest.

"You psychopath," I hissed.

"No, he isn't." Shaw stepped in. My gaze snapped to him.

"Ezmo here is a businessman. Best drug dealer. I was wrong in him. Much better than that boy would ever be. Truly a great businessman." Shaw patted his little fucking helper on the shoulder.

"Better than your friend Demont over there was anyway." the monster tsked. As if it was a shame. As if it was a mere inconvenience to him.

"You fucking bastard."

"It won't help you, Elle," Shaw told me. For the first time, he called me by my name that suited him and it was the ultimate proof, Shaw realised the depth of his own monstrosity. And I was the one who made him realise it.

"You can curse till your grave but in the end, you will forever be a little lamb that got her mom raped."

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Elena wanted to borrow money for you! She needed the money to send you overseas. So you would never realise, Sincity ever existed." Shaw smiled cruelly and the knife twisted, until my intestines wrapped around it.

"So I made her a deal."

No... I couldn't believe it. My mom. My mama. She was a saint after all. She was a good person after all. Tears rushed into my eyes. She was trying to do something virtuous and immensely selfless. And ultimately, she sent me off to my doom. To a path of sin.

And I didn't want her legacy to go in vain because of an unfair world she was trying to protect me from.

I looked coldly into Shaw's eyes. I put on that face, I hated. I sew that mask of a killer on my face despite trying to rip it away from my soul in front of a mirror every day. I embraced my sin. I embraced my hell.

"You raped her," I told Shaw.

"And you killed him," I told Santiago.

I smiled and my sing-song voice raised the hair on my arms and made the metal under my shirt colder than before.

"I'll kill you."

I jumped away, pulling out my gun, quicker than either of them could. Santago fell to the ground. I turned my gun to Shaw.

"You won't shoot me," he said before I could fire.

"What makes you say that?" I asked curiously and bared my teeth in a beautiful grin.

"I made you." Shaw smiled.

I felt my blood. I swear. I felt it in my veins raging like a goddamn ocean. I didn't hear them screaming. I didn't hear anything. All I knew was that I have a gun in my hands aimed at Shaw's head.

I heard his voice. I should've told him I love his voice.

"You are not a monster."

My hands were shaking. I am not a monster. I am not a monster.

"I love all of you."

The trigger was cold.

"Promise me."

A tear fell down my cheek.

"I love you, Demont."

In the end, it wasn't a grand gesture that made me say those words. It was the fact that he didn't get the chance to hear them anymore and it ruined me. I loved Demont. I love Demont. So much it hurts, so much I forget, so much I don't want anything but him, so much I whisper Desire into the night when he sleeps. So much. So much. So much.

And I knew I will carry his words to my grave. That I will forever believe I once had a beating heart that died the moment he did.

I knew I will remember someone who once thought I am not a monster.

And that he was wrong.


Blood. Screaming. Demont. And the Sincity Assassin.

Sinners Stay Sinners.

But I was Demont's Sinner.



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