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I was a coward you know. We were all cowards. We didn't run out of this town. We didn't stand up to the system. We weren't the good in the world of evil. No. That is what brave people do.

And a brave person would probably be able to walk up to a guy they were fucking and say sorry. I looked like a creep standing behind a corner, watching him as he got tackled by the Hellholes.

"Stop staring at him," I mumbled to myself. I pushed myself from the wall and walked up to the ball of arms, legs and tiny heads.

"Alright, Hellholes! You know I am the only one who is allowed to torture Lichtenberg."

Alden whined loudly, while Nyna snickered and pushed Dayton to the ground. He pushed her back, harder. Alden punched him weakly. Nyna started laughing. And now they were all fighting together. How adorable.

I sighed, watching them.

"I hate when you call me that."

Demont got up and tousled his hair, astonishingly styling it with the messy move. He didn't look like he has slept a lot and he wore the same shirt, he wore yesterday. The one I wore.

"Sorry, Sugar." I teased. I stepped closer to him, needing to feel his heat. Feel him a bit more.

"That isn't much better," he grumbled.

"Shall I suggest some ways you can call me?" he challenged. I shook my head in amusement and put my hand on his chest. His arms instantly wrapped around me, like he was waiting for a cue, he can do that now. That I am not going to run away in pain.

"What happened yes-"

It was me who interrupted him with a kiss this time. I gave him a bit of my infinity. A bit of my soul, a bit of my passion and lust and the absolute longing for his body. Because I knew how that conversation would go and I didn't want to hurt him. Because hurting him would mean he cares about me. It would mean I care about him. And I didn't want that.

I refused to see Demont as a soul. Because all I wanted was his body.

"Come with me."

As a devil leading a gullible sheep astray, I lead Demont to my room. His hand gripped mine a little tighter. A little more urgently. Like he knew I would run away the first chance I would get. I turned to Demont when he closed the door and pulled him to me.

I slipped my hand behind his neck and wasted no second to kiss him. He tasted like winter and summer at the same time. He smelled like dirty autumn and summer river... he was my time I wanted to spend savouring our bodies.

I opened my mouth to our urgent kiss and dominated his tongue. I bit hard and dug my nails in his back with the sensation of his skin against mine. I wrapped my legs around him and climbed on top of him. I broke the kiss and looked down at him.

"You're not the only one with fantasies."

I never took my eyes off him as I slowly stripped my shirt. Demont's hand was supporting me in his arms and the other went to my bra. I narrowed my eyes at him and swatted his hand away. Demont chuckled as he fascinatedly looked up at me.

"Lay on the bed," I smirked.

Demont breathed in sharply. His eyes darkened. He clenched his jaw. I knew he was fighting it. But I didn't care. It was my turn to torture him.

"Lay on the bed, Demont."

Even if I was in his arms, even if I was looking down at his face... he understood it would be much better to let me play.

Demont lay on the bed. I straddled him, feeling his skin under my fingertips. I leaned down, my tongue darting out, tasting the salty skin. I grazed my nails against his chest. Demont shivered, his grip on my waist stronger...

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