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I cocked a gun and aimed it.



I washed my hands quickly and turned around in Demont's arms. I looked towards the door and pat his chest.

"I'll go get it."

But he pulled me back. But this time it wasn't because of a lack of intimacy. I looked up to Demont. His eyebrow were furrowed and his eyes were flashing lightning.

"Nobody is supossed to know where I live," he said quietly. My eyes widened.

"Only you know where I live."

My head whipped towards the entrance. My hand reached my weapon and Demont signalled me to go into his room. I gave him an adamant look. I wasn't going to leave him there. He sighed and reached behind the knife stand. Taser appeared in his hand and I looked up at him with surprise.

"I got inspired," he whispered. I nodded reluctantly and ran to his room. I left an opening in the doors, enough for me to quickly step in if things went sideways.

I heard the door being unlocked and I listened intently, the hair on my body rising.

"What- what are you doing here Santiago?" 


That is what I asked myself too. I didn't know any Santiago then. And Demont knew him. I didn't think that was a good sign.

"Can't I visit a friend?" a warm chuckle asked.

"How did you know where I live?"

"I tracked your phone." a little arrogance sneaked into the voice and a hint of teasing calmed me a bit. But just a bit.

"You have no sense of privacy do you?" Demont laughed friendlily. I didn't know what to do. Was I supposed to show myself or not? I chose the latter.

"Well, you have no sense of context. What were you thinking running into Butchery to get beat up just cause some chick."

I had to agree with this Santiago.

"You and I both know, she didn't get me beat up. My smart mouth did."

I had to agree with Demont on that one too.

"Kids these days." the voice tsked.

"You're younger. I'm your superior." Demont grumbled.

"Yeah well, that doesn't really fly much from where we come from, does it? Nice taser by the way. I'm kinda glad you didn't tase me. Ugh."

"What do you want?" Demont demanded moodily.

Santiago sighed unhappily and I tensed.

"Shaw sent me," he admitted.

I breathed in sharply. Scenarios went through my head. What if he wanted to finish what he started? What if he sent men to collect men at the Butchery but when they didn't find him, he sent this Santiago to bring him in...?

Demont didn't like it either.

"What do you mean sent you? Wait. Does he know where I live?"

"I told him."

"Santiago!" Demont hissed.

"That wasn't the part of the deal. He doesn't need to know where I live!" Demont grew angry and my sense of danger grew with each waver of aggression in his voice.

"What of it? We're gonna be here for just a few months and then we'll move on."

My heart was beating so fast. I was so confused and it seemed like I was listening to a conversation of two strangers. Like I didn't even know Demont.

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