Link found himself frozen in place as the crowd got wilder and wilder, pushing through the security surrounding the stage and climbing over each other to get to him.

Sam sensed his angst and opened his mouth, unleashing the loudest roar anyone has ever heard. It shook Link's bones and instilled fear in anyone unlucky enough to hear it. The people who almost made it up the stage hesitated while Drake ran towards him, grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the backstage area: "Come on! WE GOTTA GO!"

Link ran with all his might, trusting the rapper to take him somewhere safe. He was dragged through corridors filled with staff, empty small passages and through paparazzi. He sensed that this was not Drake's first rodeo in terms of fleeing the stage at a drop of a dime. Given his line of work and the amount of people he attracts, it would be normal to have a quick exit plan.

Drake finally pushed him into a big black tinted Limo and sat in front of him with the two guards that were following them. One of them slapped the back of the driver's seat screaming: "PLAN D! LET'S GO!"

The car maneuvered its way out as the occupants settled in.

Drake and his guards were sitting in front, facing Link who was breathing so hard, he felt like he might faint.

Link screamed between big gulps of precious air: "MICHAEL, YOU SON OF A BITCH!"

The other three occupants flinched in surprise when the speakers in the car responded: "You didn't like my surprise?"

Link was exasperated: "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FREAKIN MIND?"

He felt his heart flip in his chest from how hard it was beating and he gripped his chest in discomfort.

Michael huffs a laugh: "Aww.. don't be like that. You just broke the internet within a few minutes. You should be proud.."

Link closes his eyes, trying to regain his composure: "Not another word from you, asshole! You're on TIMEOUT!"

The car was doused in silence and after taking a few deep breaths.. He opens his eyes to look at the shocked faces of the other occupants in the car.

The amount of awkwardness he felt at that moment was immeasurable.

What the hell was he supposed to say?


Nice to finally meet you?

Sorry I crashed your concert?

Please pretend I didn't just scold one of the most wanted people in the world and put him on timeout like a toddler?

They just stared at each other while Link continued the eternal debate on how to profoundly apologize and thank them for saving him.

The car suddenly swerves and cuts the dead silence in the back.

One of the guards screams at the driver: "What the hell, man?"

The driver was freaking out: "A fuckin big ass white lion is following us!"

Guard: "On the highway?"

Driver: "YEAH! I can't shake him off!"

Link turned around trying to spot Sam through the back window. The lion was running behind them like they were his prey. Link cursed under his breath, thinking on the spot.

He looked seriously at the people in the car and said: "Trust me, ok? I got this!"

Without a second thought, Link leans over the empty seats next to him and unlocks the door and busts it wide open.. While they were still driving fast on a highway.

The instant the door was open, something big jumped in and landed half on the empty seats next to the sick man and half on his lap.

Sam was livid.

He used his hind leg to shut the door behind him, pushing his head into Link's space.. Sniffing, licking and bumping his nose into Link's chest to make sure that his friend is alright. Link has never seen Sam this worked up before. This is the first time they get separated since they met and it's freaking the huge animal out. He tried his best to calm him down by petting him and saying calmly: "Sam.. sam.. I'm ok.. Everything is ok.. We're safe.. Calm down.. It's ok.."

The guards must have seen how aggressively Sam was worried about Link and thought he was attacking the man. They both took out their guns and aimed it at the white beast.

The sound of a cocked gun made the lion turn his head, aiming his cold deadly blue eyes at them. He opened his mouth, showing them his teeth while positioning himself to fully cover Link to protect him.

A low growl made its way out of Sam as he threatened the guards with the promise of merciless death. Link puts his hand up, whispers to the guards, fearing for their lives: "Lower your guns! I promise you, even if you try to shoot him, it won't even slow him down."


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