Working Together~Chaerji

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Chaeryeong POV:
I know I overreacted but I just didn't feel like anyone to help me. Especially after what I did. There was a knock on the door. I opened it and saw a box filled with nice clothes. There was also a letter I read it and it said.
"Hope you had a great vacation! Now it's time to get to work!"
Oh shit! Has it been a month already? I groan and I threw myself on my bed and just went to sleep but then...Yeji called.
UGHHHHH. I yelled.
Hey Chae. Said Yeji.
Hey what's up? I asked.
I just wanted to know if your okay. I mean you were pretty mad earlier. Said Yeji.
Yeah I'm okay and im really sorry for getting mad at you guys for a stupid reason. I said.
It's fine but just remember that if you ever need someone to talk to you have me. Said Yeji.
Yeah I know and I guess I was just grumpy since I have to go back to work tomorrow. I said.
Oh yeah didn't you quit? Asked Yeji.
Nope my boss just gave me a vacation for a month. I said.
Well I'll go see you tomorrow. Said Yeji.
Okay. Good night! I love you. I said.
Love you too. Said Yeji.
I hung up and went to sleep but for some reason I couldn't go to sleep thanks to Taehyun. It took me a couple of minutes then I slowly went to sleep.
*The next morning*
I got up took a shower, get dressed, brushed my teeth, washed my face, ate and headed out. As I was walking I see my sister about to knock.
Sister what are you doing here? I asked.
Well Baby sis as you know Thanksgiving is coming up and I know that we all haven't been in best terms but we would really like for you to come. Said Chaeyeon.
Of course I'll go. I said.
Thanks baby sis. Said Chaeyeon.
I'm not done. I will go but, you have to let me bring Yeji and her mother. I said.
Of course but why her mother? Asked Chaeyeon.
Her mother is dying and Yeji is scared to leave her alone. I said.
Damn well of course they can come and I'm just happy that we can finally be sisters to each other. Said Chaeyeon.
Same and Chaeyeon I'm really sorry about me and you. I said.
That's in the past and we learn from it. Said Chaeyeon.

Yeji POV:
No. I won't go to your family's place for thanksgiving. I said.
Why not? Asked Chaeryeong.
I think your family has made it clear that they don't like me. I said.
Yeji please they do. Said Chaeryeong.
If they did they wouldn't treat me like shit. Said Yeji.
Okay Yeji I get that my family didn't treat you great when I was at the hospital but please. Begged Chaeryeong.
No. I said.
Come on! All those times when I didn't want to go places you would beg on the floor like a little kid. Said Chaeryeong.
Ugh fine but if your family said anything rude I'm leaving. I said.
Fair enough. Said Chaeryeong.
Well I'm gonna be late so I'll see you at work? I asked.
Yeah. She said as she kissed my cheek and walked to her class.
*time later*
Why don't you want to go? Asked Yuna.
It's not that I don't like her. It's just that me and her family don't have the best relationship. I said.
And that's when you start to have the best relationship. Said Lia.
Okay but if you really think about it me and Chaeryeong didn't have the best start and that's all my fault. I literally beat and hurt her because of her sister. And it wasn't even her sister fault. I said.
Damn that's tuff. Said Ryujin as she looks at her nails.
Don't listen to her. Trust me I'm going to help you. Said Yuna with a wide smile.
Ha! I like to see you try you can't even get yourself a date. Laughed Ryujin.
Says the one who's still single. Said Yuna.
Okay Enough! Yeji we will help you and make sure that nothing goes wrong. Said Lia.
Thanks guys but please do say anything to Chaeryeong. I said.
No problem. Said the girls.
*Later at night*
I was driving to Chaeryeong first day back to work when I saw how the store was packed with people. I quickly went in and pretended to actually look for something. And then 15 minutes later a lot of people were gone.
Hey lover. I said as I went up to Chaeryeong.
Hey how long have you been here for? Asked Chaeryeong.
Like a few minutes ago when this place was packed. I said.
Oh sorry for making you wait that long. Said Chaeryeong.
Don't worry about it you have to work. I said.
Anyways this is where I work and I make great money here. Said Chaeryeong.
Yeah hey is it okay if I can speak to the manager or your boss? I asked.
I didn't do anything wrong did I? Asked Chaeryeong.
Haha No but I do want to ask a question. I said.
Oh okay well I'll be right back. Said Chaeryeong as she went to the back and the next second this man goes out with her.
Hello did anyone need me? Asked her boss.
Hi yes I actually have a question to ask you. I said.
Sure what is it? Asked the man.
Well are you hiring at the moment? I asked.
We aren't but with a lot of people coming here for the holidays we might need another person to come work here. Said the man.
That's great. I said.
Come to the office with me for a moment and we'll get you set up. Said the man.
Okay. I said as then Chaeryeong jumped on me with happiness in her.
Yay now that your going to work here we can speed time with each other. Said Chaeryeong.
I know I'll be back. I said as I went into his office.
Okay Ma'am so what is your name? Asked my boss.
Hwang Yeji. I said.
Why do you want this job? He asked.
Well my mother is sick and all I want is to earn a little bit of money so I can get her the treatment she deserves. I said.
Okay. Said the man as he wrote that down and then he started asking me more questions.
Okay if you don't mind you can start tomorrow? Asked the man.
That's perfect! Thank you Mr? I asked.
Mr. Kim. He said.
Thank you Mr. Kim. I said as I walked out with a huge smile on my face.
So how did it go? Asked Chaeryeong.
Guess who's working tomorrow? I asked.
OH MY GOD!!! Yelled Chaeryeong as she jumped on me again with a huge hug.
Well it looks like you guys know each other. Said Mr. Kim.
Yeah we do. I said as I looked at her eyes.
Yeji is it okay if I can come to your place tonight? Asked Chaeryeong.
Sure. I said.
Thank you I'll be there in a hour. Said Chaeryeong as she pulls out her keys and started going to her place.
Okay Yeji well I'll see you tomorrow. Said Mr. Kim.
See ya. I said.
At least we finally have a pretty one working here. Said Mr. Kim.
I'm sorry? I asked.
Your really pretty! We never have pretty girls work here. All of the girls I hired are ugly. Said Mr. Kim.
With all due respect all those girls are BEAUTIFUL! I don't even have to look at them to know that there beautiful. I said as I walked out and went back to my place.

Hey guys I hoped you liked this Chapter and how do you think about Yeji and Chaeryeong working together? I'll see you next week! 💕💕💕

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