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Just then, my men broke into the warehouse, one of them shot the one man Luigi had left dead. Luigi's eyes widened, "I told you to come alone!"

"I'm not good at taking orders," I replied and watched as his shocked expression turned into a smirk, "well for being the world's best sniper, you aren't very smart, are you?"

"Now why would you say that?" I asked, looking at all the guns pointed in his direction. He then showed my men the papers, "see this? You all work for me now! I own the Russian mafia! Not him! Bow down to me you bloody idiots!"

My men exchanged a look before looking at me. I smirked, "well, who's gonna tell him?"

"Tell me what?" Luigi asked, confused. Igor stepped in front, pointing to the papers in his hands, "these papers are fake."

"What?" He shouted, clenching his jaw before he tore the papers away. "This can't be happening! Fuck you! Fuck all of you!"

"Go get him," I nodded to my men who rushed towards him before grabbing him.


He struggled to get out of their grip but it was impossible. Just as we turned around as was about to leave, we saw Macy entering with Thea who had a confused look on her face.

Macy's face, however was emotionless. It was the first time I was seeing her this way.

"Alessio? W-What's going on?" Thea asked, confused. She glanced at Macy who was beside her, "Mace?"

"Ah..." Luigi chuckled, "good job, Macy! Great job! Now do the second part." Macy then removed a knife from her jeans and held it inches from Thea's throat.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Igor asked. Even he was confused. What the hell is wrong with Macy?

"What are you doing?" Thea asked to which Macy shouted, "shut up!" She flinched, "all of you, release Luigi or she dies! Tell them to let Luigi go because I swear, I will kill her!" She's bluffing, isn't she?

However, I could not take any risks. I nodded at my men who released Luigi. Luigi grinned before making his way towards Macy and Thea.

He then shot us a smile, "you see, dearest Macy here, has a brother and right now, he's being held at gunpoint by a man of mine. If Macy does not oblige, her thirteen year old brother will die."

"I'm so sorry..." Macy muttered, tears falling down her face, "he's the only family I've got left....I had no choice. I'm so sorry, Thea."

"It's okay, I understand," Thea reassured, flashing her a weak smile, "I would've done the same thing."

Luigi then took out his own knife before grabbing Thea from Macy carelessly. He held her hands behind her back and brought the knife to her neck. He then glared at Macy, "fuck off now!"

Macy shot us an apologetic look before running away. I couldn't care less about her fucking brother.

I stared at Thea and the knife which was dangerously close to her neck. One wrong move and it would cut her.

"Let her go!" I took a step forward only to have him press the knife to her skin. He only pressed it, he did not slit her throat...yet.

"Don't you dare to move!"

"Fine, fine, I will not move." I raised my hand. I was scared, truly scared. I feared for her life. "Just let Thea go, I'll do whatever you want."

"No you won't!" He shouted, "you'll trick me again. You ruined my life, Alessio Romano! You destroyed my mafia! You tortured me for months—All because of this bitch!"

"I did it because I hate you not because of her. She had nothing to do with this."

"No, she had everything to do with this!" He shouted again and made her flinch. My heart was beating extremely fast in my chest.

"Please, let Thea go." I found myself begging to the man I loathe, "I'll do whatever you want. You can have it. You can have my mafia, my money you can have everything. Just—" I stared at her, "—just don't hurt her."

He started laughing at my words, "look at you! Look how pathetic you are! I heard that love makes you weak and you're proving this to me. You're ready to give everything up for this one girl. The great Alessio Romano is weak for a girl," He mocked, "this is a sight! Now I can't help but wonder whether you'll get on your knees for her?"


"Will you get on your knees for her? I want you to get on your knees." He ordered, "if you don't, I'll slit her throat. Go on, get on your knees in front of me. And order your men to do the same."

I did not have to order them. They were already on their knees. They did not want her to die. I clenched my jaw at Luigi before getting on my knees.

Fucking pathetic.

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