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"If I win, you have to move in my room." My head snapped to his direction at his words. He wanted to take me to stay in his room with him?

"And you can't say no," he added. That's why he did all this? Just so he could make me move in with him? Was he scared that I would say no? I don't mind moving in with him at all—

"If I win, I get to choose what movie we'll watch at night for a whole month." I said, even though I knew there was no way I'd win. He nodded, "sure thing."

"Hey, boss." At the sound of the voice, Alessio turned around making me turn also. I came face to face with two other boys. One had brown hairs while the other had blonde hairs.

"Alex, Jace." Alessio nodded his head, acknowledging the two. The blonde one shot me a tight smile, "I'm Alex, he's Jace." Alex had blonde hairs while Jace was the brown hair one.

"You're Thea, right?" Jace asked to which I nodded. How come they knew me?

"Trust me, everyone in the mafia have heard of you by now." Alex added with a chuckle, "you had a bounty on your head. The three most powerful mafias in the world stepped in to protect you. Niece of the Mexican mafia leader, Sister of the American Mafia leader, friend of the Italian Mafia leader and let's not forget girlfriend of Russian mafia leader. That's so cool!"

I glanced up at Alessio who shrugged, "Alex and Jace are the best racers here after me."

"Nice to meet you both." I said, offering a smile. They both smile back, their dimples showing clearly. They were both good looking, well built and looked young.

"We are nineteen, twins." They said at the same time, pointing their fingers at each other. Alex then ran a hand through his hairs before speaking, "This blonde hair is fake. My natural hair colour is brown, like this dork."

Jace rolled his eyes before elbowing him in the ribs, "anyway, we'll be watching y'all race. Good luck!"

"Here's your car keys, Thea." Eden came and threw the keys at me which I caught effortlessly. His eyes fell on Jace and Alex, "Oh hey guys! Have y'all seen Ben around?"

"Nope," both Alex and Jace said at the same time while shaking their heads.

"Alright. Now, Let's go." Alessio said, bored. He then grabbed me by the shoulders and turned me around to face him. He looked down at me with his eyes filled with seriousness, "If you feel like you can't do it, then don't."

I shook my head, "I can and I will."

He clicked his tongue before nodding. He then released my shoulders and looked at Jace and Alex, "if she receives even the slightest scratch because of either of you, I will kill you both. Understood?"

They both nodded their heads instantly, "yes, boss."

Eden walked away and grabbed a mic before speaking, his voice booming around the place due to the huge speakers on the sides, "Ladies and gentlemen, listen up! everyone get away from the racing tracks."

Everyone will be watching me lose?

"Today, this place's best racer the one and only Alessio Romano will be racing against three people, Alex Moretti, Jace Moretti and Thea Gonzalez." Eden continued, "If you stand in the racing tracks and if you get run over by one of them, blame yourself because you have been warned! Now let's start! Racers, in your cars, please."

I did as I was told. I entered the car and made myself comfortable. I buckled my seat belt and took a deep breath.

"It's okay, princess. There's no risk of you getting hurt. Nobody's playing dangerously." Alessio assured through the small mic. I looked at the car on my right side and found him already looking at me through the window. He shot me a reassuring nod. On my left side there was Alex and beside him was Jace.

I started the car and got myself ready to take off. As soon as the woman standing in front of our cars dropped the flag, we all took off. I was second while Alessio was first. Jace and Alex were behind me.

I never raced before but I did watch on TV so I knew how this whole thing works. I was then surpassed by Jace's blue car and soon followed by Alex's red one. I was last. I did not bother to accelerate, not yet. My engine was starting to heat up. I needed to let it cool down. After a few seconds, I applied on the accelerator, speeding the car. I then easily became second again. Alessio was really good. He was not kidding when he said he was the best.

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