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|Alessio's POV|

It's been three days since Thea's grandmother started living in my private mansion along with my mother.

The two were getting along pretty well. Since my mother was always complaining about being alone, I gave her someone to call me company.

I was on my way to a room where Thea was along with all the other members. She was about to officially join the Russian Mafia.

The chatters instantly died down when I entered the room. The members snapped their heads in my direction before bowing slightly out of respect.

"Where is she?" I asked Macy who replied by pointing her finger to Thea's room. Why hasn't she come out yet?

"I knocked on her door but there was no reply and it's locked." Macy explained making me clench my jaw tightly.

I had a very important meeting in thrity minutes and she was wasting my fucking time. Yesterday, I told her that she should be ready at 8:00.  I glanced at my watch and saw that it was 8:10. I liked being late and making people wait. It was fun.

"S-should w-we wrap it up?" The tattoo guy asked hesitantly. She had to have the dragon tattoo on her wrist in order to officially become a member.

"No. I'll go get her." I walked away, going to her room. Once I stood in front of the door to her room, I tried to open it only to find it locked. I grabbed the spare keys from my pocket before opening the door, making it collide with the wall with force.

I entered her room, my eyes wandering around looking for her. I ftowned when I didn't see her anywhere. Where the fuck is she?

I walked towards the bathroom door, hoping that she would be in there. I opened it only to find it locked. Why was it locked? I could hear nothing; no sound of water running, no movements.

I knocked on the door, "Thea? You in there?"


I knocked again but still received no answer. This time, I banged on the door, "Are you in there? Thea? For fuck's sake! Say something!"


"If you can hear me, I'm breaking this fucking door. You've got three seconds to open."

It was complete silence yet again.

I needed to break that shit down. I took a few steps backward before kicking the door open, breaking the lock. I stepped inside and saw her.

She had her two hands on the sink, and her head lowered. I approached her slowly and tapped her shoulder, "Thea?"

She didn't move nor say anything. It was like she was there but she wasn't.

I turned her around by the shoulder. She blinked her eyes a few times, snapping out of the daze she was in.

"What's going on?" I felt every bit of anger I was feeling disappear as I took in her state. She had her eyes red and puffy, her hairs disheveled and she looked pale.

"I—" she paused, not knowing what to say.

"Are you alright?" I was truly concerned and I didn't even know why.

She gulped before nodding, "I'm fine."

"You don't look like it." I muttered, pushing some strand of her hair out of her face, "why were you crying?"

"I…I had a nightmare." She replied, looking away, "I'm fine. I feel like there's something I'm forgetting…something important."

"Like an initiation ceremony?" I asked, amused.

"Yes! Exactly tha—" her eyes widened in realization, "—oh my god, it's now and it's…you. I'm late, aren't I?"

I nodded, bitting my lip, in attempt to prevent a chuckle from escaping my mouth. "It's fine. I'll wait for you."

"Really?" Her brows shot up, "you'll wait for me? I thought you were gonna be angr—" I cut her off, "Stop talking and do whatever you have to do. I'm waiting." I then left her room and went downstairs, waiting for her.

I was actually waiting for someone. I've known her for around five days and she was already messing with my head.  What's weirder is that I was liking every single part of it.

"Where is she?" Macy asked, knitting her brows in confusion. I glanced at her briefly before taking out my phone, "getting ready."

"And you are waiting for her?" A woman asked with a slightly shocked tone.

"We are waiting for her." I corrected, while looking at the game 'Temple Run' loading on my phone.

"But we have never wait for someone, boss." Another woman spoke up making me internally groan. I didn't bother to reply to her. My game was loaded and I was playing.

"Why are we even waiting for her? Why should she even join our mafia? I think she's just a whore who wants to get in your pants, boss." A familiar voice spoke up making my grip tighten on my phone.

The guy in the game had to change direction but instead of making him change direction, I made him jump in the void. I looked up at the woman who said that.

"Gi…" I trailed off, not remembering her name. It was something that start with G though. Greta? Gisele? Grace? Gina? Grizzy? Grizelda? What was her name again?

"Gianna, boss." She replied, her cheeks had a slight shade of red with embarrassment.

"Right, nobody cares what you think." I said in a calm tone while I was boiling inside, "speak wrong of her again and I'll decorate your gravestone with your organs. Are we clear?"

Ever since Thea told me that I ruined her life, I felt the urge to fix it. I felt like making up to her. I was feeling guilty. Her life was fucked up. I ended up fucking it up even more. She was one of the strongest woman I've ever come across, she wasn't kidding when she said she's been through hell and back.

She survived all of that. She didn't break. She was strong and having someone like her in my mafia would be like the best thing ever. And I had the intention on giving her a better life even if I didn't know her.

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