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"Nothing major. It was just a cut in his leg." The veterinary said, wrapping a small bandage around his right leg, "I've already stitched it. It has already started to heal. I should inform you that this wound was intentionally inflicted on the animal."

"We found him like that on the road." I stated, looking at the animal. Thea was running her fingers through his hairs. He wasn't a stray dog, clearly. He belonged to someone and the collar around his neck was the proof.

"Alright. Just sign some papers and the animal will be free to go." The veterinary said, "stay here, I'll bring the papers." I nodded as he left.

"I wish I could keep you." Thea muttered as the dog slowly walked towards her. She lifted him and placed him carefully on her lap.

"Why can't you?" I asked, taking a good look at his collar. It was blue, plain, and ugly. The puppy looked like he was suffocating. It was tight. It showed that his owner clearly did not treat him well. The cut was definitely done by the owner himself.

"Well, clearly, he has an owner already." Thea said, touching the collar. My hands reached out to the collar before I removed it. The dog shook his head several times. He was relieved.

"Not anymore. Founders, keepers." I said with a smirk. Thea shot me a grin before patting the dog's head, "I'm gonna name you..." she trailed off, deep in thoughts. She then looked up and me before a smile found it's way onto her face, "Shadow."

"Seriously?" I frowned to which she nodded, "it's a good name and he seems to love it. Don't you, baby?" She asked, scratching him behind his ear which made him wag his tail. "My little shadow." She smiled. Just then, the doctor came in and did a double check-up on the dog to make sure he was alright before discharging him.


|Thea's POV|

I've always wanted a dog.

Yeah, I named him Shadow because that's Alessio's name too. I wanted to annoy him and I succeeded. On a serious note though, Shadow was a good name for a dog.

I did consider naming him 'Theo' but then it would be so weird. Like Imagine someone saying, 'Thea, have you seen Theo?' Or 'Thea, Theo is looking for you'. I don't know for you but for me, it did sound too...similiar.

"You need a bath." I said, nodding to Shadow who shot me his puppy eyes, literally. "Come on, you've been found on the streets. I. don't know what you walked on or how many gems you've got on you right now." He finally stopped trying to get out of the bathtub. I carefully bathed him, not letting water anywhere near his ears and right leg.

Let's face it; Animals are way better than most humans.

After dropping me to the mansion, Alessio had to leave for I don't know what business came up. He said he'll pick me up at seven for our date.

When I was done bathing Shadow, I wrapped him in a towel before drying him up. I placed him on my bed and watched as he buried himself under one of my pillows. He then slowly closed his eyes. Was he dying?

Oh wait, no...he's just tired.

Someone then began knocking softly on my door. I walked towards it before opening it softly. I was met with Macy's happy face, "hey! Alessio told me to remind you of your da-" her eyes fell on something behind me and they widened, "oh my freaking god! Is that a puppy?"

I nodded, "Aless and I found him on our way back. We decided to take him in."

"Fuck he's so cute!" She chirped, "he's sleeping? What's his name?"

"Shadow." She chuckled at the name, "that's really nice of you to name him after him. You did this on purpose, didn't you? I like it. So...the date right...he told me to tell you to wear what people wear when they go to restaurants. Oh and he also told me and I quote, tell her she can even come naked if she wants."

I rolled my eyes at that.

"He told me to remind you that he'll be here at seven sharp to pick you up." Macy added, "so that means he'll be here at 7:10 because he likes being ten minutes late." I knew that. He thinks that making people wait is fun.

"And that's it." Macy clasped her hands together, "If I were you, I'd start getting ready, sweetheart. It's already six."

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