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|Thea's POV|

"Yes, yes. I own several clubs around the world." The man nodded as he spoke. I rolled my eyes and ignored him.

"I don't give a damn, man." Just then, I felt his hand over my arm making me clench my jaw in anger. I was about to teach him a well-deserved lesson when he forcefully placed his lips over mine.


I kicked him in between his legs which made him groan. Suddenly, he was thrown off me. I watched as the man fell on the ground roughly, grabbing the attention of everyone in the ballroom. They all stopped dancing and focused their gaze on the man on the floor.

"Back the fuck away, asshole," Alessio's voice held anger, "she's mine."

The man looked up at him with fear in his eyes, "I-I'm s-sorry I did n-not k-know!"

"You placed your disgusting lips on hers." Alessio spoke, shaking his head, "I'm going to have to teach you a lesson."

Before the man could say anything, two of Alessio's men came and grabbed him by his arms before dragging him away. Alessio walked towards me before asking,"are you alright?"

I nodded. He exhaled in relief before he turned around to look at those staring us, "the fuck are you staring at? Go back to dancing or go home, idiots." They all flinched before resuming dancing at his words.

Alessio's eyes wandered around the place, looking for I don't know what. His eyes then fell on a waiter and he called him over. He took a glass of champagne from the tray before handing it to me.

"Drink up." I grabbed the glass and brought it to my lips before drinking the content. "We need to get his taste off your mouth." He then held my hands and began walking in the direction of the ladies room.

He pushed open the door before dragging me inside and locking it. He then took a piece of tissue before wetting it with water and turned to look at me. He brought the wet tissue to my lips before wiping it rendering me confused.

He then threw the tissue away and grabbed another one that's dry before wiping my lips again. After throwing the dry tissue away, I raised my brows at him, "why'd you do that?"

"He kissed you," he stated with a grunt, "he kissed those lips." He caressed my lips with his thumb, "I am the only one allowed to do that." He then brought his head closer to mine before kissing me.

Just then, the door to the ladies room flew open. My eyes shot open while Alessio made no attempts to move. I saw Maria standing there with a disapproving look on her face.

I broke the kiss and Alessio frowned, "why'd you pull away? Whoever entered this place clearly saw that it's occupied. If she knows what's good for her, she'll piss and fuck off." He spoke loud enough on purpose, for the person to hear. He had no idea who was standing there.

"Oh really?" Oh hearing the familiar voice, he bit his lip before muttering, "fucking shit."

"So, if I know what's good for me, I should piss and fuck off?" Maria asked making Alessio turn around to face her. She raised her brows at him, "do I need to remind you that this is a ladies room? What are you doing here?"

Alessio was about to reply but Maria held her hand, stopping him, "you know what? Don't answer to that. I don't even want to know." She then took a step towards him, "what I want to know if what the hell did you do to Mr Deaden?"

"I haven't done anything," he replied innocently, "yet."

"I specifically told you not to ruin my event but that's exactly what you did," Maria pointed out, "you scared my guests, hit one of them and now the ladies are saying that someone locked the ladies room! Thankfully, I've got the keys."

Alessio rolled his eyes, "that deadman or whatever his name is, kissed her. What else was I supposed to do? Let him?"

"He kissed her?" Maria repeated, looking at me as I nodded in confirmation. She frowned, "his name is Deaden. He isn't important," she nodded to Alessio who smirked before planting a quick kiss on her forehead, "this is why you're my favourite De Luca."

"And you're my favorite Romano," Maria smirked back, "even when you're extremely annoying sometimes."

"I'm the only Romano," Alessio pointed out, "since Lea is a De Luca now."

Maria nodded, "I know. Now come on, you two still have to dance."

"Do we really have to?"

"Yes," she nodded, offering me a smile, "please?"

Alessio groaned, "Fine! We'll dance! Happy?" Maria nodded with a grin, "very."

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