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|Thea's POV|

"Shadow!!" Nick chirped as he ran towards me. He took a seat beside me and Shadow jumped from my lap to his. He giggled before running his small hand through the animal's hairs.

Two weeks ago, Lea and Enzo came to help Alessio in what I think was work. The two brought Nick with them. Nick saw Shadow and instantly fell in love with the dog. Ever since, he and Shadow has been inseparable. Even Lea and Enzo love him. It's nice how he's friendly with everyone.

Everytime Shadow would see me or Alessio, he'd run towards us and try to stand on his two small legs only to fall back on his paws everytime, wanting to be picked up like a child. His leg has completely healed. Nick wanted to take Shadow home but I wouldn't let him because I came to the conclusion that I would not be able to live without my little puppy.

It's been three months since Alessio and I did it. Ever since, we've been living in peace. There was no danger whatsoever. We've been living in his personal house, just the two of us. Every night, we'd watch a movie—or do other things.

Every two days we'd go to the main mansion in the morning then we'd return after dinner. When Aless had to attend company work, he'd leave me at the mansion or sometimes with my grandmother and his mother so that I do not get bored. Right now, we were at the main mansion.

"I told mommy to buy me a dog too." Nick spoke up making me look down at him. "What did she say?" Nick and I grew close. He calls me 'angel'. It was cute—he's one of the cutest kid I've ever met.

"She said I'm too young to look after a puppy. She said that He'll die in two days if I look after him." He replied, annoyance clear in his voice. "I told her I'd treat my puppy like my own child but she still refused."

"She is right, you know? You're still a baby." I poked his nose and he shot me an angry look, "I'm ready to be a father. I know I am."

"You're only five," I pointed out, "little baby." He shook his head helplessly, "well since mommy refused, I asked daddy and guess what he said?"


"He said, what your mom says is always final." He mimicked, rolling his eyes, "he's so whipped, I tell you." I let out a chuckle at what he said. He looked at me before with a look of realization on his face, "maybe if you tell them to get me a puppy, they'll listen to you!"

I instantly shook my head. They were right. He was too young for a pet. He pouted, "pwease? Please? Pwease? Mommy really likes you. She'll never say no to you!"

"Your parents are right." I sighed, "you're too young for a pet. You can play with this one everytime you come here."

"But that's like a once in a week thing." He groaned, "I don't come here often. How about you come to my house every day?"

"I can't. I'm busy." I shot him an apologetic look. He sighed before giving me a weak smile, "too bad then. I'll tell Essio to come and pick me up whenever I want to see you or shadow." He grinned, "best friend."

"I'm your best friend?" I asked, amused. He nodded, flashing me a bright smile, "you are my best friend." I smiled, "okay, best friend."

"Hey Thea!" Lea greeted making her way towards us with Enzo beside him. "Hey!" Enzo smiled.

"Hey dear parents who do not want to get me a puppy..." Nick's voice was filled with sarcasm, "are we leaving?"

"Yes, we are." Enzo replied, walking towards Nick. He then bent down and picked up Shadow from him which made him pout, "hey!"

"Sorry not sorry," Enzo said, rolling his eyes as he held my puppy. He then walked towards Lea and she ran her hand though his soft hairs. Shadow licked her hand playfully making her chuckle.

"I don't understand these two!" Nick complained, groaning, "they say they don't want a dog but look at them!" He pointed his two hands towards Lea and Enzo, "they clearly love puppies."

"It's not that we don't want. We are too busy to look after a dog, Nick." Lea explained, "when you reach nine or ten, I'll get you one. Okay? Now stop being such a cry baby." She said as Enzo placed Shadow on the ground. He then ran towards I don't know where.

"Come on, we are leaving." Enzo said, forwarding his hand for Nick to take. Nick lazily got up from the couch and turned to look at me, "I'll see you soon, best friend." I nodded, smiling, "bye."

"Bye!" He smiled back before walking towards his parents. He held Enzo's hand as the three walked away.

"I found this one running around," Alessio said, walking in the room, with Shadow in his arms. He then placed him on the ground in the room before approaching me. Taking a seat beside me, he spoke in a serious voice, "I need to tell you something."

That's it. He's breaking up with me. I knew it wouldn't last. Well, it was good while it lasted, I guess...?

"What is it?" I asked, furrowing my brows in curiosity. I sincerely hoped that he was not going to break up with me. I didn't want him to leave me.

But what he said next made me sigh in relief, "I have to go out of country for a while."

"Thank God."

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