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"And your father couldn't do anything?" He asked to which I let out a humourless laugh, "Nope. Someone killed him."

"Are you saying that you were left at the hands of that monster because I killed your dad?" He asked, "that's why you want me dead, isn't it?"

He walked towards me, and again went behind the chair. He retook the same position he did earlier, "You want to kill me because I unknowingly ruined your life? Because by killing your dad, your life was toyed with at the hands of your uncle." He whispered, "Am I wrong, princess?"

I inhaled sharply at the proximity.

"Answer me." He spoke to which I replied, "No. You're not. You ruined my life and that's exactly why I want you dead." I stood up and turned around, facing him. I then pushed him against the wall my hand around his neck.

I then used his shocked expression to remove his gun from his pants and then I held it against his forehead.

"I've been through hell and back all because of you" I hissed, "if you hadn't kill my dad, none of this would've happened to me."

He stayed quiet and made no attempt to move. He wasn't scared. He had a neutral expression on his face. He and I both knew that he could disarm me anytime but he wasn't. Why wasn't he?

"You..." I pressed the gun further into his forehead, "ruined my life! I've spent my entire life in cells do you know how that sucks? I never went anywhere, I never did anything fun." I took a deep breath, "I only did what my fucking uncle wanted me to. And now my grandmother's in danger because of you again. I'm going to kill you and get out of here to save my grandmother from being murdered."

"Then what?" He asked, "what happens after you've saved her?" He stared at me, "you return to your fucked up life? Is that what you really want?"

"What I really want is you dead!" I gritted my teeth in anger.

"You've been holding this gun against my forehead for past two minutes and have done nothing." He said with a hint of amusement in his voice, "I'm starting to assume that you just don't want to kill me."

"You're wrong. I want nothing more than you see you lying in a bloody casket."

"If you want me dead so bad..." he spoke, "then fucking kill me. Shoot me, right now."

I tried so hard to pull the damn trigger but it was like someone had a string wrapped around my finger and was pulling it backwards. I couldn't bring myself to pull the trigger.

I groaned in frustration. He then took my moment of distraction before taking the gun from me. In a splint, I had two hands held behind my back with his one hand while my back wad pressed against the wall and he was hovering over me with his other hand, on the wall beside me.

"You know if there was someone else in your place, they wouldn't have hesitated to shoot me dead." He said as I tried to free my two hands from his hand but he ended up tightening his grip around them.

"I was seventeen when I killed your father, you know it." He looked at me in the eyes, "my life was fucked up too. I was a kid who would do anything to get money so that I can live. My parents were killed when I was fourteen, I was homeless and alone. I thought they killed my sister too. I was scared that someone might be coming for me too but I couldn't do anything about it. Then I was taken in by Ricardo De Luca. I believe you know who he is?"

I nodded.

"He trained me." He continued, "taught me how to shoot perfectly. At first, I would always miss. I would practice day and night just to perfectionate my aim and I was successful. He then taught me other stuffs, fighting, killing...hacking."

"He also taught you how to torture people?"

"You don't need to be taught how to torture people." He replied, scoffing, "you just do whatever you want to do that person without his consent."

"Your ways of torturing are psychotic." I spat making him chuckle, "You've never seen me torture someone."

"I did see what you did to Eddie." Last year, Eliot brought in his brother's body to my uncle and told him to check his ear. He had a folded paper in it on which Alessio wrote something like 'you could've asked me. I would've said no.'

"Who?" His brows knitted in confusion. He didn't even know the names of the people he killed.

"The ones who you caught in your warehouse a year ago." I replied, "The twins?"

His mouth formed an 'O' in realization, "Right...Eddie. I did a number on that, one, didn't I?"

"Now back to you, princess." His eyes roamed around my face, "what should I do with you?"

"Let me go" I responded, "I have to save my grandmother."

"I can save her." He spoke up, releasing me. "And bring her here...with you. You'll be both safe then."

"Why would you do this?" I asked, rubbing my hands.

"I don't know." He responded almost instantly. He looked out of the huge window in his office, his back facing me, "I've been doing a lot of things for no reason lately."

"I can't let you save her. If he finds out, he'll kill her on the spot." I said, sighing. He turned around, "He won't find out anything. Just trust me."

"I can't trust you. I don't even know you."

"You don't know me?" He asked, amused, "tell me one thing you don't know about me."

I opened my mouth, ready to answer when nothing came out. What didn't I not know about him?

I knew his name, his age, his job,a part of his past, his family's names and a lot of other stuffs. Damn, he was right. I did know him.

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