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|Thea's POV|

"Good morning, princess." I heard the familiar voice that I missed so much. My sleep faded away instantly. I sat up straight and rubbed my eyes before I stared at him.

"You're here…" I muttered, my eyes widening, "oh my god! You're really here!" He let out a chuckle before nodding. "When did you arrive?"

"Last night. You were sleeping." He replied before grabbing my wrist and pulling me to him. He then hugged me, burrying his face in the crook of my neck, "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too," I replied, hugging him back, "how did the deal go? Did you get it?"

He was silent. I broke the hug before looking at him, "you did not get it? Well then, screw it. That mother fucker, Thomas doesn't know what he just lost."

He shot me a smile before speaking, "I did not go to France. It was never about a deal." I frowned, "what? You lied?"

"Yes," he pursed his lips in a thin line, "I had to. You know what? We'll talk over breakfast." I reluctantly nodded before getting off the bed as did he.


After dressing up, I walked towards the door and was about to leave when he stopped me, "wait. We are going to have breakfast here itself."

"Alright," I nodded before walking to the bed. I sat down and he sat down just across me. He opened his mouth and was about to speak when someone knocked on the door. He rolled his eyes before saying, "come in."

The door was opened slowly and a woman stepped in, holding our breakfast on a tray. She then walked towards us before placing it on the bed. She offered us a smile, "Good morning, both of you."

"Good morni—"

"Close to door behind you when you leave," Alessio replied rudely, cutting me off. The woman gulped before nodding. She then turned around and walked away, closing the door behind her.

"What happened?" I asked, wanting to know the real reason why he left.

"I'll tell you. Don't interrupt me, alright?" I nodded. He took a deep breath before looking down at his breakfast. Then he spoke without looking at me, "Two days before I left, Luigi escaped."

I opened my mouth to say something but then shut it quickly, remembering that he told me not to interrupt.

He glanced at me before looking back at his breakfast, "someone from our mafia helped him escape. Luigi fled to Mexico. That's why I went to Mexico, to end the Mexican mafia for good."

"And…did you succeed?" I couldn't stop myself from asking, "Did you end them? Did you find Luigi?"

"I did end them but Luigi escaped again." He replied making my breath hitched in my throat. He was out there, somewhere. He could be anywhere.

"Don't worry about it," he reassured, "I've placed a bounty on his head. Thirty million dollars if you bring him to me alive."

"Thirty million?" I repeated, my eyes slightly widening. He nodded, "I don't want you to worry about him, okay? I'll keep you safe if he comes after you. Like I said before, you're not dying on my watch."

"Who'll keep you safe?" I asked as I stared at him, "you're keeping me safe but who's keeping you safe?"

"I don't need anyone to keep me safe, princess," he scoffed, "I can protect myself. And as long as you're safe, I'll be just fine. Now, let's eat breakfast."

I nodded as we both dug in our food at his words.

"Chou know hee ogers were wish me hoo," he spoke with his mouth full. I did not understand a thing, "what?"

He then swallowed his food before speaking, "you know the others were with me too."

"Who?" I knitted my brows in confusion. However, in less than a second later, realization crashed on me. "The others as in Sean, Lea and Enzo?"

He nodded, grabbing the cup of coffee, "yeah. I couldn't tell you because I know you would've wanted to come with us. And I did not want to put you in unnecessary danger. Now, tell me what have you been upto in the past few days when I didn't call you?"

"Two days ago, I created an Instagram account," I grinned, "because I was bored. You should create one too! We'll follow each other and post stuffs and all."

"Not interested," he waved it off, "social medias aren't my thing."

"Fine then I'll create one for you," I smirked, "I'll post stuffs on your behalf."

"What kind of stuffs?" He furrowed his brows, staring at me carefully. I shot him an innocent smile before taking out my phone, "your photos, of course."

|Alessio's POV|

"You have pictures of me?"

"Yes," she then did something on her phone before showing me. There was indeed pictures of me. In some, I was sleeping, in some I was just standing. How come I wasn't aware of her taking pictures of me?

"I don't allow you to post these." I said with a grunt. She frowned before pouting, "why not? You look so hot in these."

"If you post even one, I'll create an account and post this," I took out my own phone and showed her the video of her dancing on the table, drunk. Her eyes widened, "when did this happen? I don't remember doing this!"

"You were drunk, princess," I replied with a smirk, "you are very horny when you're drunk. You know what you did? You wanted me to eat ice cream off your body. You wanted me to fuck you." Her eyes went wide and her cheeks became red. "No I did not!"

"Yes, you did. I'm sure the CCTV footage I've got will prove that to you." I smirked again as her eyes grew wider than it already was.

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