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"Rest. If you need anything, call me. I'm right here." Olivia said with a smile before leaving. I leaned comfortably on the bed before drifting into a soundless sleep with the nightmares that were waiting for haunt me.

I felt someone shaking the crap out of me making me jump awake instantly, "What the hell do you want?"

"Did you wake up on the wr—" Alessio cut himself off, his eyes falling on the bed, "Oh wait there's only one side."

"You were waking me up like you thought I was dead." I muttered, annoyed before asking, "Why are you here? What do you want?"

"I've got some questions for you." He replied with a smirk, "can you tell me why your uncle hasn't come looking for you yet?"


"No?" His chuckle was void, "Let me rephrase that;  Tell me why your dad hasn't come looking for you."

"N—" I sighed when he shot me a glare, "I am his brother's adopted child, he doesn't that much care for me." He didn't care for me at all.

"Why not?"

"Go ask him that."

"Let's go." He said making me frown. He was taking me back to the cell, definitely.

I stood up, "can I at least take brush my teeth and take a damn bath? I haven't bathed in like—" he cut me off, "Stop talking. Just follow me quietly. You think you can do that?"

I rolled my eyes and let out a string of curses at him as he started walking away with me following him. I was sure that I looked like some kind of homeless person.

I was following him wherever. The mansion was extremely large and luxurious from what I was seeing. There were not many people, just a few comparing to my dad's Main house which was always crowded. It seemed like these people didn't have a home.

We stopped in front of a door. He pushed it open and gestured for me to get inside which I did. I looked around the room in awe. It was gorgeous, big and clean. I never had a room like that. My room was either a cell or the basement, most of the time. When I had my own room, it was either for only one day or two but even then, it wasn't big nor decorated. I had only a bed, a table, a wardrobe and a chair in it. That's it.

"Whose room is this?" I asked, knitting my brows in confusion. He muttered a few things which I didn't hear before replying, "Now, yours."

"Wait, I'm not returning to a cell again?"

"Do you want to?" He asked in an annoyed tone making me refrain myself from rolling my eyes.

"No, of course not." I responded and he shot me a sarcastic smile, "Then shut the fuck up."

"Rude" I muttered and heard him sigh, "Your uncle isn't coming anytime soon. Make yourself comfortable and you are not allowed to leave this room."

I was definitely going to leave this room.

"I'm serious." He shot me a 'I'm dead serious' glare, "If I catch you anywhere outside this fucking room, things won't be good, princess."

He then left and locked the door behind him, leaving me inside. I banged on the door, "Hey I need clothes!"

"Check the closet." He shouted from outside before walking way. I sighed and opened the closet to see a lot of outfits there.

I grabbed a pair of jeans and a shirt before going to the bathroom. After brushing my teeth and taking a bath, I slid my clothes on and looked around the room. There was a huge TV fixed on the wall with the remote on the table.

I wasn't hoping for the TV to work but it did and to my surprise there was even Netflix on it. I got on the bed and put on a movie.

Right, so, I was kidnapped. My kidnapper gave me a room, a lot of clothes and a TV with Netflix on it. Within these past hours, I've been treated like I've never have been before. And I wasn't sure whether I wanted to leave this place or not. At this point, I'd rather stay a kidnapped woman for the rest of my life.

Worst of all I wasn't even sure if I wanted to kill Alessio or not. Damn him for being the best kidnapper ever.

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