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|Thea's POV|

"Here," I placed a waffle in Alessio's plate before placing another one in mine. We were in the kitchen in his personal mansion and I was making breakfast for both of us because he did not want to cook. But I think it's because he did not know how to. He's just too embarassed to admit it. I didn't know either. Like I may or may not have mentioned before, I only knew how to make waffles and pancakes.

"Fuck, these are soo good!" I looked at him and saw him eating like he's been starved for months.

"That good?" I raised my brows at him, amused. I was glad that he found my waffles good. He nodded, "can I get another one?"

I then placed another piece in his plate before taking a seat beside him. As I dug in my breakfast, he spoke, "you look hot in my shirt." I was wearing his shirt because I did not want to wear that dress again.

Not knowing what to say, I ate my food silently.

"You know..." he spoke making me look at him, "I've never brought anyone here before."


"No," he sighed, looking at me, his plate empty, "you're the first person beside me that has ever stepped foot inside this place. Nobody knows of it's existence."

"Why do you have this house if you don't live here?" I asked, curious. He glanced at his empty plate before standing up. He grabbed the plate and walked over to the sink, his back facing me.

"To be alone," He replied as he washed his plate, "even though all the members of the mafia leave the main house after eight, there are still those guards and prisoners so I never truly felt alone, y'know?" I hummed in response, taking the last bite of my waffle. He then turned around and took my plate before washing it. How nice.

"Then why'd you bring me here?"

"I don't know," he shrugged, "ever since I've met you, I've been doing a lot of things for I don't know what reason—things I've promised myself not to do anymore, Thea."

There was something about the way he said my name that made it sound better, even though he said it like everyone else, it sounded different coming from him. It made me feel a lot of things. Weird, I know right.

He then placed the two plates in the plate holder and stared at me, "you're being awfully quiet."

"You'd always say that I talk too much," I rolled my eyes as I continued, "and now when I'm not talking, you're not liking it."

"I said you talk too much but I never said I did not like it." He muttered as I stood up and walked towards the sink before washing my hands.

"You'd tell me to shut up." I was reminded of the time when he told me to keep quiet when he was taking me to a room instead of a cell. There was also this time when he told me to shut the fuck up.

"Because you would piss me off." He said casually, shrugging his shoulders.

"Remember when you said, talk to me with respect?" I asked to which he nodded, "I knew you wouldn't. From the moment I saw you, I knew you were a stubborn one."

I took a seat on the island before clearing my throat, mimicking him, "since I'm feeling generous today, I'll give you a choice. Boss or Daddy?" He threw his head back and laughed like I never saw him did before.

A few seconds later,he was breathing heavily, trying to catch his breath while still laughing ever now and then, "You're so bad at this," he snorted, shaking his head.

After a minute of silence, he cleared his throat before asking, "I was wondering if you'd like to come and stay here. Would you?"

"Stay here? In this house?" I asked, knitting my brows. He nodded. "Like move in?"  He nodded again. "With you?" He nodded yet again before asking, "yeah. Would you?"

I licked my dried lips before nodding, grinning widely. He was asking me to move in with him. That's a huge step in our relationship.

"I'll have someone get your stuff here." He walked towards me and parted my legs with his hand before setting himself in between. I was still sitting on the counter. I then bent my head a little before kissing him. He kissed me back instantly, deepening the kiss.

"You've crashed all the walls I've spent months to build, princess." He muttered in between the kiss, "and I'm willing to rebuild them just to let you crash them all over again."

Her HatredOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora