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|Thea's POV|

It's been one week since Alessio turned twenty three. A week since we kissed.

If I said I was not craving for more, I'd be lying. I usually would never let any man come close to me unless...I couldn't stop him. But I didn't stop him. For some reason, I let him.

I even kissed him back. I don't know what got into me that day but I sure as hell knew that I wanted it to happen again.

For the past seven days all I've been thinking about was that kiss. It was actually my first real kiss. The others were just forced ones.

"What are you thinking about?" Macy asked, handing me a cup of coffee.

"Just how I haven't gone on a mission yet." I replied, half-lying. I wasn't sent on a single mission ever since I joined the Russian Mafia and I didn't know why.

"Maybe there isn't any missions at the moment." Macy shrugged, "or maybe he just forgot to send you."

"Or maybe he doesn't want his little slut to lose her life in a mission because he knows that she's a scared, fragile and weak bitch." Someone said making both Macy and I turn around to see a woman standing there with her dress choking her body.

I clenched my jaw in anger before standing up, my hand grabbed the knife that was in Macy's hand. Without thinking twice, I stabbed the knife just below her collarbone making her scream in pain while blood gushed out from her, falling on my hand.

I plunged the knife deeper making her scream even more, "Don't ever speak to me, look at me, or stand near me. Are we clear?"

She nodded, her mouth opened and tears falling from her eyes. It didn't take long for me to figure out who she was; the one who thought she was above everyone else. In Luigi's mafia there were many like her.

I then pushed her away with the knife still in her. Two women rushed to her side and took her to the infirmary. I looked back at Macy who was staring at me like she saw a ghost.

"What?" I asked, furrowing my brows. I then washed my hands before taking a seat again.

"That was Giana, one of our best assassin." Macy said to which I rolled my eyes, "best? That thing was the Russian's mafia's best assassin?"

Macy nodded, "She's a whore. She slept with literally every single man of age in this mafia except Alessio. When she tried to sleep with him, he said and I quote, 'I'm not interested in fucking a used thing.' "Macy started laughing at her own words.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Alessio's voice rang though the entire house. I looked up and saw him standing right behind me.

When the fuck did he come?

"Why is there blood on the floor?" He asked with a clenched jaw.

"It wasn't her fault" Macy quickly spoke up, "It's...It's Giana...she provoked her."

"So the blood is not yours?" He looked at me expectantly. I shook my head and he released a relieved sigh, "Who the fuck is Giana?"

"The woman who tried to sleep with you countless times." Macy explained, her eyes flickering from me to Alessio but she said nothing else.

"The irritating woman from yesterday? Alessio asked to which she nodded, "Yes, that's her."

"What did she do to provoke you?" His tone was filled with amusement.

"She called me a slut." I muttered, frowning, "weak...because you haven't sent me on any missions yet. She said I'm your little slut. That bitch. I swear if I see her again I'll fucking kill her." My tone was murderous.

"I haven't sent you on a mission because like I said, Luigi has his men looking for you." Alessio explained, ignoring that Macy was hearing.

She let out a gasp, gainging both our attentions. "Oh my god! Luigi as in Luigi Gonzalez? You're in danger? What did you do to piss the leader of the Mexican mafia off?"

Alessio ignored what she said, he looked at me again, "Come on, I need to talk to you in private."

I nodded and stood up.

"I'll be right back." I said to Macy who nodded with a smile. However, her smile was turned into a frown when Alessio spoke, "Don't wait for her. We are going to have a long talk."

"Fine" she sighed, "I'll just see what Igor is up to."

Alessio started walking with me following behind. He opened the door to his room and gestured for me to get inside which I did, although I was confused. He then closed the door and turned around. However, before he could speak, I asked, "Why your room?"

"Because..." he trailed off, "...I don't know. Anyway, Whatever I'm about to tell you does not get out of this room. Okay?"

I nodded, "Okay."

He then pointed his finger towards the bed, "sit." And I did. I walked towards the bed and sat down. This must be serious.

He took a deep breath and leaned against the door, his eyes on me before he asked a question which made my blood run cold.

"Do you know what a bounty is?"

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