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|Alessio's POV|

I woke up with my head hurting like a bitch. That's when last night came flashing in front of me. I've around...I don't know how much glass of alcohol.  I was so drunk. I barely remember anything that happened. I opened my eyes and saw that I was in my room.

Wait what?

Usually, when I'm drunk, I end up waking up in the basement, with blood all over me. I looked down at me and saw no blood.  The curtains were closed, the room was dim. I was naked, not fully with a pair of shorts on. Who the fuck was bold enough to take care of my drunk self?

I was about to get up when I felt a weight on me. Looking down, I saw s woman's head resting on my chest while my hands were on her waist.

Who did I fuck last night?

Whoever that was, she stayed and slept on my bed with me after I was done fucking her. Clearly, she has a death wish.

I was about to push her away when my eyes fell on her face. It was her. She was fully clothed which means that we didn't fuck. Good. If I fucked her, I would want to remember it.

Instead of pushing her away, I did what I never thought I would. I slept again with her beside me, sleeping soundly.

|Thea's POV|

I felt my hand on something soft, like a...skin? My eyes shot open and I almost let out a scream when I saw a man beside me.

Keyword; almost.

I didn't scream when I saw it was Alessio. That's when last night came crashing down on me. He was drunk, I took care of him. I could've killed him. We were alone and he was vulnerable, defenseless. Why didn't I kill him?

He had his arms around me, my head and my hand on his chest while his other hand behind his head. He was going to kill me when he wakes up. I slowly and carefully got up from the bed and left the room, sighing in relief when I got to my room.

He didn't have to find out that I did not only leave my room but also slept in his room. I threw myself on my bed and fell into a deep slumber, thinking of last night's events.

I felt myself being shaken making me jerk awake. My half opened-eyes fell on Macy who was grinning. "Wake up! It's nine in the bloody morning, woman!"

"I usually sleep till eleven." I muttered, covering my head with the blanket only to have it pulled off me. Macy growled, "Come on! Stop being such a lazy ass. Everybody's having breakfast and I'm the only woman who isn't an assassin or who doesn't kill people at the table, you know? I feel so weird and out of place. But now that you're here, we'll keep each other company and it's going to be fun!"

"Your boss wouldn't want me there." I mumbled, turning to face the other side of the bed. Let me fucking sleep, for the love of god!

"He isn't here. He already left. Come on, please," she sighed, "those mean whores stare at me like if I was in a room alone with them, they'd beat the fuck out of me."


"Because I'm Igor's wife and Alessio's friend. He treat me differently, sometimes and the whores are jealous of that."

"You ever told Alessio or Igor about this?" I asked in a sleepy voice.

"Nah" she chuckled, "I don't wanna bore them with my problems. Now, please, wake up." She was quiet for a while before she spoke again, "I love what you've done to this room, woman!"

"I didn't do anything." I replied, getting up. I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth before taking a bath. I walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around me.

Macy was staring at my closet with her eyes wide opened and her jaw hanging, "when did you get time and where did you get money for all these?"

I grabbed a shirt, pants and a pair of underwear which he also apparently bought. Don't ask me how he knew my size, I don't know but he did and it fitted perfectly even.

When I was done, Macy seemed in deep thoughts, "so that's why Igor asked me to shop for undergarments the other day." She broke into a fit of laughter, "I was like; why? so that you can tear them again? then he said that it was for his boss."

Wasn't she embarassed?

She then told me how she bought undergarments of her own size and gave them to Igor who took them to Alessio who put them all in this wardrobe.

"Anyway, let's go." Macy grabbed my hand and led me downstairs where we were gonna have breakfast. We entered the room and stopped right in our tracks when we saw Alessio sitting at the head of the table with his eyes fixed on us, like he knew we would be coming.

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